“I’m very angry that my very good plan was rejected by my very bad boss who has a very big belly.” (我非常生氣,我這非常好的計畫被我非常壞、肚子又非常大的老闆所拒絕。) 還在用“very”這個程度副詞試圖加強語氣嗎? 想要更精準地展現文字的力道嗎?讓我們用下表所提供的形容詞,汰換掉「very+形容詞」這種成效不彰、冗長又偷懶的寫作方式吧! → I’m furious that my superb plan was rejected by my atrocious boss who has an immense belly.
Substitute ‘damn’ every time you’re inclined to write ‘very;’ your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be. ~Mark Twain
對於“very”一字的使用,美國大文豪馬克 · 吐溫(Mark Twain)曾吐槽的說過,當你每次想寫“very”這個字時,就用“damn”來替換吧;然後你的編輯就會刪掉該字,而此時文章就沒問題了。 可想而知,very或是不雅的damn,在寫作中其實都是可有可無,不慎重要的。
'Very' is the most useless word in the English language and can always come out. More than useless, it is treacherous because it invariably weakens what it is intended to strengthen. ~Florence King
女作家佛羅倫斯͔ · 金(Florence King)更認為,very是英文中最無用卻無所不在的字。她激動的說,這字不只無用,甚至狡詐(treacherous)!因為very總會弱化原本想要強調的字句。 因此,再次鄭重感謝Amanda Patterson,這位教授寫作的專家,為我們整理出45個實用、精準又到味的形容詞來取代「very+形容詞」這個弱弱組合。
最後,在精進完英文的寫作技巧後,讓我們來 VoiceTube,根據自己的需求及喜好挑選幾部影片或是參與每日口說挑戰,輕輕鬆鬆繼續增進聽力與口說技巧吧!
Source: 45 ways to avoid using the word 'very', Sytwu Tong-Ann