

top 舊區要重建,政府說目標是改善居民生活,會用以人為本的方式進行,議會通過重建計劃。在深水(土步)的興華街、青山道、元州街上,一群將被清拆的唐樓,自此被統稱為K20-23項目。 唐樓的年老居民犯了法,罪名是不肯依期遷出,「非法霸佔官地」。在推土機和舊樓磚牆之間,這群各有名字、各有故事的人,都叫做街坊;街坊有話想說,有沒有人要聽? 《推土機前種花》是一頁一頁的口述歷史。區內古老店鋪的老闆細說的故事,既不可替代,亦無從複製,在在反映地道的生命力、創造力。作者並試圖從另一角度來看巿區重建:舊社區為何及如何嘗試保持原來的生活方式? A visualisation of oral histories of shop-owners in Hong Kong: stories feature a 104-year old shop selling sauces, a pre-war shoe factory, tea shop, mechanic, and how a ‘flower-board’ sign-maker learned calligraphy from his late father… all in Sham Shui Po, a district earmarked for extensive demolition by a government urban renewal project. Sham Shui Po communicates a living culture of a creative commercial community, and shows why and how the people there are trying to preserve their ways of life before the area is razed.作者簡介:周綺薇 深水(土步)街坊,是溝通及講故事的能手。畢業於理工大學設計學院,現於小學任教。三年多,一直跟深水(土步)受重建影響的街坊一起快樂地爭取,尋求協作方案。間中參與藝術中心的「傳說我城」活動,分享城市生活中的點滴傳奇。 An enaging storyteller and facilitator, Maggie CHAU Yee-mei had lived in Shum Shui Po since 1980. She was one of the key figures who spoke for Shum Shui Po community during the district demolition period. Chau graduated from the School of Design, Hong Kong Polytecnic University, and currently teaches in a primary school.
