ICAC stove one meal per capita is less than seven yuan _ News Red bottom shoes


fried zucchini, hot and sour potatoes wire the vegetables fried mushrooms, peppers Chaorou, two small cap bean paste and fermented bean curd, a daguokui bun, with journalists and local cadres, in Jingyang an "Independent stove" to eat a meal.

this meal cost a total of $ 40, six people we eat, on average a person less than seven dollars. "the Jingyang County the three drainage Town party secretary Lu Wei told reporters. January 22 at noon, the reporter walked into the three drainage Town Government hospital to follow the local cadres "Independent stove Replica breitling for sale. Restaurant less than 60 square meters, furnished with three round table and two dozen plastic stools, which are placed on a table with salt, vinegar, pepper and other spices.

The the official reception range including

"higher authorities check the conference dinner to discuss cooperation matters, investment study personnel" the official reception Never for tobacco, alcohol ... restaurant wall a few Independent stove supervision and inspection system panels on reads.

"This is not only our town cadres organs stove, also used to receive all levels of checks. early December, the inspection teams check the work of the provincial party committee is also here to eat rice to the secretary of the county, is a bowl of Sào a bun, several dishes of home cooking things. "engaged in the work of more than a decade of township, Lu Wei once for" reception "it" puzzled ". Average down more than 30 yuan each person had to eat, "restaurant in town, had on alcohol and tobacco, the funds could not control. Eat in 'Independent stove', home cooking, eat fast, do not drink, do not delay the work. " Since October 2010, built Independent stove township reception costs down than half reduced from 30,000 per year yuan to more than 10,000 yuan.

is the reception not only greatly simplifies the, "ICAC stove" let the township cadres life more convenient. Reporter learned that, Jingyang majority of the Independent Commission Against stoves "a cadre daily meals, 9:01 meal, 14:01 meal, is consistent with the habits of the local farmers, cadres and masses to act to ensure on-the-job. Three Drainage town convenient service center staff said Xu Jiao, ranging from reception every day 20 people for a long time forty to fifty people, and simply not get away, the staff turns to the "Independent stove dinner.

Jingyang County Commission for Discipline Inspection of the staff, the Jingyang all 13 towns established since 2010 Independent stove ", the official reception costs by more than 20%, and reduce administrative costs.

It is understood that, in Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province, since 2006 Replica alain silberstein, the pilot the the "Independent stove has been, so far has covered all villages and towns of the province. According to Xinhua News Agency

(original title: Independent stove one meal per capita is less than seven yuan)