Kama Sutra情趣巧克力金磚(大)展示-僅門市販售

Kama Sutra情趣巧克力金磚(大)展示-僅門市販售

古印度愛經巧克力金磚是當代最珍貴的性愛經典,相傳為西元一世紀至六世紀間由一位獨身的學者筏蹉衍那( Vatsyayana)所作,後來經由英國探險家暨翻譯家理查波頓爵士(Sir Richard Burto,1821-1890)譯介至西方。Kama Sutra愛經對古印度性愛文化與身心靈性愛描述細膩,強調身心靈契合的意涵,書裡描寫的古印度性愛招式對於古印度文化、瑜珈文化有極大的影響。Kama Sutra Gloden ChocolateConsidered one of the most valuable contemporary classic teachings on sex, Kama Sutra ia believed to be written by the soholar Vatsyayana between first century AD and sixth century AD. It was later translated into English and introduced to the western world by the British explorer and translator Sir Richard Burto,(1821-1890).Kama Sutra with its detailed description of physical, mental and spiritual sex, emphasizes and teaches the meaning of love through physical, mental and spiritual connections. The book has great impact on both yoga and Indian culture, both ancient and today.禮盒內容請按右側連結情趣金磚巧克力禮盒 附加說明 最佳保存溫度為15~18度C,最佳食用溫度為20度C,保存期限2星期。 相關商品 Kama Sutra古印度愛經情趣金磚禮盒(一大四小) -->
