Lunch Money

Lunch Money

top Twelve-year-old Greg, who has always been good at moneymaking projects, is surprised to find himself teaming up with his lifelong rival, Maura, to create a series of comic books to sell at school. MEET GREG KENTON, BILLIONAIRE IN THE MAKING. Greg Kenton has two obsessions -- making money and his long-standing competition with his annoying neighbor, Maura Shaw. So when Greg discovers that Maura is cutting into his booming Chunky Comics business with her own original illustrated minibooks, he’s ready to declare war. The problem is, Greg has to admit that Maura’s books are good, and soon the longtime enemies become unlikely business partners. But their budding partnership is threatened when the principal bans the sale of their comics in school. Suddenly, the two former rivals find themselves united against an adversary tougher than they ever were to each other. Will their enterprise -- and their friendship -- prevail? 作者簡介 Andrew Clements 安德魯.克萊門斯 他為兒童創作圖畫書,也為青少年寫小說,最著名的作品是他一出版即暢銷的第一本小說Frindle。從中學時代開始,克萊門斯開始寫詩,曾有一首詩被英文老師評為「太有趣了,這可以出版!」,成為他後來走向作家之路的肯定之一。克萊門斯曾當過中學教師、為歌手創作歌曲,也曾在出版社擔任主編工作。目前是一位全職作家,住在美國麻薩諸塞州。 ◎安德魯.克萊門斯個人網站
