Ma Yanli a walk in flower - News Channel - and Reuters Red bottom shoes


"I hope I'm dead 200 years, people still remember Mary Ma."


Foreign Name: Mary Ma



Place of birth: Zhoukou

Blood Type: A type

Date of birth: November 25, 1974

favorite models: Cindy? Crawford

favorite clothes: Armani

the most common

cosmetics: Artistry

Occupation: fashion designers, models, actors, boss

favorite Occupation: fashion designer

text of "well-off? the reporter Hu Ke Caizhi"

living room corner sofa christian louboutin in Spain, sat a beautiful woman. Standing in the door of the location, you can see the slender legs of women exposed out of the sofa wearing black tights. The living room is very quiet, occasionally heard the woman call the gentle sound. Moment, hang up the phone, the woman and the opposite of the man struck up a conversation. This woman is not someone else, it is the reporter's visit to see - Ma Yanli.

Ma Yanli, today, in addition to an interview with reporters, special arrangements, everything else is just part of the normal work. 14:00, this filled with all kinds of clothing, perfume filled with villas, Ma Yanli decided intimate show at an upcoming clothing, and soon, there is coming a lot of models fitting locker. Is not open to this private show rehearsal, they are able to see, told reporters it is time courtesy.

to smile, even a nod. Ma Yanli starts to get busy, because the models have come to a silence was broken, laughter and ringtones one after another, so that the already spacious room is narrow up.

fact, Ma Yanli more than photo young, beautiful, 1.79 meters tall, looks very spirit whole person. When you really stand on the side of Ma Yanli, in addition to the height distance, Ma Yanli left the impression that more is cordial, full of the biggest names in the norm, more like a big sister next door.

show little preparation began, Mary Ma apparel models who wear out one by one, the living room into the T station. Ma Yanli very seriously, and did not spare any detail. The show lasted four hours, and have to admit, Ma Yanli vision is unique accessories by adjusting the adjustment model, given loading time and the initial performances, and even reporters this layman to see the same exciting.

show end models are dispersed, we made an appointment to interview was able to drink a cup of hot coffee.

Unfortunately lucky

Ma Yanli quietly sitting on the sofa, to find a comfortable position. She said: "We started it."

Ma Yanli

​​familiar people know, Ma Yanli graduated from the Sports School in Henan Province, 14 years old into the sports team learning Rowing in Henan Province, and started his own athletic career, after retired due to back injury. After retirement, Ma Yanli once when shopping in Shanghai, accidentally headhunting found, and then entered the modeling industry. In 1994, the first Shanghai International Fashion Model Contest, Ma Yanli stand out more than 500 players from 40 countries, won the contest winner. In the ensuing years, she has been to sit tight in the China Chief supermodel top spot.

in the eyes of outsiders, the time Ma Yanli should be very satisfied with the fishes, but, in the face of brutal competition and the profession itself brought the glitz restlessness of the modeling industry, Ma Yanli is not like most people do, utilitarian substances the temptation, but in slowly to groping and find its own way. Her time to studying fashion design, and set up his own studio in 1998, to complete the transition from model to designer.

have to say that the period of transition, in fact attracted a lot of people did not understand, we all feel sorry for abandon coincided brilliant modeling career,. But Ma Yanli do not think so, relative to the aura of walking in the T stage, she would like to design their own clothing, to run their own beautiful. Thus, in 2003, she founded Fashion Co., Ltd. in Beijing Ma Yanli, Maryma officially began listing.

regret is the listing Maryma unfortunately caught up with SARS, SARS disrupted Ma Yanli all planned fashion show was canceled, the models show was canceled, the debut of the world's fashion designers completely disappeared, clothing orders will simply never made it onto the agenda. The original traveling endless Company immediately wants to come, only a few security sit at the door, "That costs a very big difficulty barely retain." Looking at the fruits of their own hard few months all of a sudden put water, Ma Yanli think for the first time, the venture really not easy.

In fact, at that time, Ma Yanli father do a lot of surgery, pregnant also with Ma Yanli own. "I do not know is how to adhere to them." Fortunately year, Ma Yanli withstood many tests, but her hard-founded company has not fallen. 2003, Maryma began to play to their strengths, began to grow up.

come experience from retail to high-end custom Maryma transformation now Maryma 229 members, in addition, Maryma returned to star concert to provide custom clothing, Mao Amin, chensisi's concert clothing Yes provided by Maryma.

looked Ma Yanli hardships along the way, and her success has also undergone a change in her views. The "supermodel Rapid" strong woman "instead.

"I do not like to put himself in the position of a strong woman, woman gives the impression that generally are strong, powerful gas field, resolutely, in fact, I was always there lived a little girl." Ma gorgeous told reporters. She can be very strong, because of the support of friends, she was able to come today is because of the help of friends, and she, in fact, the interest in the management company is not strong, and when compared to a business management a strong woman, she prefer to do the design.

would rather lose nor give in.

Ma Yanli addition and his talent, in fact, her modeling career experience also brought a lot of help to do the design.

friend's eyes, Ma Yanli is a serious and demanding perfection, attention to detail, there is little pride. But precisely because of this personality, Ma Yanli a show of their participation, or of some well-known international brands have their own understanding, because she would go to study.

"I hope that my work is a weighty sense of some things that have deep meaning in it, you will continue to find those advantages, rather than rely on some brief visual effects to catch you sight, I need an ongoing appeal. "


"Do not try to change me, let me guide you so that you become more beautiful." In fact, Ma Yanli's this insistence, there was a period of time, and did not get everyone's understanding, including her own staff.

because a lot of money, Zhejiang businessman found Ma Yanli, hopes to become a member of the senior custom have their own aesthetic, but the businessman, he hoped Maryma help him design clothing to meet his aesthetic. Ma Yanli feel wealthy businessman, but the taste is a bit vulgar, so do not agree to be customized in accordance with the aesthetic of businessmen, he hoped that the businessman can accept her dress more stylish.

Unfortunately, the businessman is also a very stubborn temper, a result, no deal, which means 300,000 a year, or even more no membership fee. In response, Ma Yanli do not feel pity. "Maryma soul, every piece of clothing to wear out the representative are Maryma temperament, I'd rather lose, do not change the location and quality of the clothing."

However, to do business in order to make money? Ma Yanli stubborn she lost some list, but, Ma Yanli think, just to make money, ignoring the quality of enterprise development must have, then, the money earned is not worth. Ma Yanli liked, she felt, Chanel's success is because Chanel has its own personality. So she will not easily give up their principles.

social forces

Of course,

, Ma Yanli reason why there is such arrogance, we have to admit, because in Maryma development process black and light purple heels, in addition to 2003 bit difficult, the rest of the time, Maryma development are relatively smooth.

advanced customization, In fact, China is still a novelty. The common understanding of advanced customization basically spend expensive money to buy a tailor-made clothes. When Maryma make a transition advanced customization, China, in addition to the very wealthy, advanced customization, virtually no one knows.

"I just think that advanced customization market, so we do, in fact, when I do not really understand this market." the outsider, Ma Yanli was really lucky, lucky hit into a market with unlimited potential . In fact, advanced customization, companies do not do well in China. After all, the face of this industry are some of the high-end customers.

Ma Yanli feel their own has been able to quickly signed so many VIP customers, thanks to their own experience when models before. The look carefully customers constitute shoe w red bottom, business and political Maryma majority, accounted for part of the star. And these people, many of them are Ma Yanli friends.


"Maryma rarely do publicity because basically without publicity, my own is a very good spokesman, attended the occasions when I are wearing Maryma of the clothes." Ma Yanli said, "and my friends know that I am in do, are to join in, but your clothing must be of high quality. "

like to participate in a variety of clubs, equestrian, fitness and Yanli, "I was their customer Later, they have become my clients." We never find customers sent unhappy. "So Ma Yanli is lucky, her experience gave her a lot of opportunities, valuable, she is also a people who know how to seize the opportunity.

daily, Ma Yanli work very late, and her hard work and effort her team are looking in the eyes. Reporter interviewed Ma Yanli also occasionally work interrupted by temporary deal, in order to continue the topic.

But in the eyes of Ma Yanli, she has been able to be so lucky, in fact, has been very supportive of her friends she is inseparable.

gratitude and

topic was back in 2003, in memory of Ma Yanli, flies really tough year, but "I was the general manager told me afterwards that, a lot of things he did not dare to tell me, and silence down a., he said, the hearts of all he was really dead. "So, Ma Yanli think she really grateful to the general manager, and without his help, Maryma do not know at the time what kind .

In fact, when watching a private show rehearsal in the afternoon, reporters, Ma Yanli existing team, especially several designers have been in a busy, help model facelift, make an appropriate adjustment to the clothing they Ma Yanli no excessive verbal communication is basically a gesture, a look, everyone would know what to do, which is very surprising tacit understanding.

Ma Yanli said: "I'm not good at management, but I have a good team, some employees have been with me ten years, we get and the family." This is perhaps, Ma Yanli charm. Like she said before, they do not like the title of the "strong woman", more like the feeling of a woman. So she gives the impression that is friendly, nothing shelves.

may also be this kind of personality dictates, Ma Yanli, said: "Everyone helped me on the management of the enterprise, such as business tycoon, and so that will give me some advice, so I have been very lucky." Ma Yanli think precisely because he received a lot of help, so come Today, Maryma is to become a recognized brand of high-end custom.

Of course,

for everyone's help, I will keep in mind, I will be more efforts to return these to help. "

200-year dream

Ma Yanli is lucky, but as businesses will always encounter a variety of problems in the process of development. Ma Yanli this is also admitted to a limb. She felt on Maryma biggest problem is that you can always encounter a variety of small problems endlessly.

young, Ma Yanli encounter unhappy things will nest on the sofa crying. Today, with increasing age, the crying thing do less "may experience more things, mature mentality."

In fact,

since start their own enterprises, Ma Yanli experienced many difficult start at the beginning, and later, busy with work, happy marriage breakdown. Today Ma Yanli play many roles, designers, boss, single mother, he still write to write a book. "Anyway, life is always to go forward, so the problems encountered on a processing processing done just fine." Ma Yanli said, "If you really feel tired, you go on vacation, their own thorough venting, attitude adjustment Well then, come back again to solve the problem. "

have to say, experienced people to grow, now and then pulls out a photo of 20-year-old Ma Yanli, will feel when she looks Sentimental many, and now a mature atmosphere is completely different.


for the future, Ma Yanli has begun planning, "We have adjusted the future, everyone will see a different Maryma to adjust." as to what kind of change, she refused to say, her staff said, this is a little girl of my heart to live deliberately creating mystery.

However, Ma Yanli, said: "I hope I'm dead 200 years, people still remember Maryma." as long as this sentence, it seems that we can see Ma Yanli heart of the future.

dialogue Ma Yanli

"well-off? Caizhi: You really like the Soong Ching Ling, Why would like Soong Ching Ling?


Ma Yanli: two of my most admired women of Soong Ching Ling and Wang Guangmei. Soong Ching Ling has the demeanor of the mother of the country, Wang Guangmei kind heart to go do things for the world mother and selfless dedication moved me so much. Soong Ching Ling, her appearance on beautiful, noble; more importantly, within her heart was filled with love, wisdom, love incarnate. It can be said, regardless of the spiritual realm, or external instrument, she called the absolute beauty, nostalgic longing.

"off? Caizhi,": legitimate modeling career flourishing, what you decide to do the designers? How did you do? Experienced in the middle, such as happy, such as sadness, such as difficulties?

Ma Yanli: I need a so I like to continue to give me power, so I'm happy, so I have a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction career. That is focused on high-level customization, on the one hand, I need to settle down to innovation, on the other hand, I hope that something of the culture of my heritage to output to go abroad. This is my career, regardless of the cause is large or small, I must be pursued.

difficulties: I remember 2003 my clothing brand Shop stores in the country, but to catch up with the SARS outbreak, this could be a disaster for a new brand. People go shopping, stock lot backlog ...... Finally, I stuck with it, this is the biggest gain for me. I firmly believe that the power of perseverance.

happy: and go compared to the T station, certainly now more calm. The sheer fashion design really is a happy thing for me.

get more: My friend, they trust me, that my vision and do something to meet their requirements. Because of this relationship, the demand for these friends gave me a pressure I am engaged in the power of couture.

friends to help me to complete an advanced custom system support, for example, to different groups, we will give you organize a set of files: your height, weight, skin color, hair style, body characteristics, you all preferences, or even what you like to eat. Through these habits, you can see his custom needs.

well-off? Caizhi:

"in your upbringing, you think what people greatest impact? Different childhood will bring up a different adult, how to spend your childhood, do you think your childhood on this sun, positive character to cultivate influential?

Ma Yanli: certainly my father. My father was a geography teacher, he taught me a lot of truth, I grew up in a strict tutor and very family-oriented family, childhood deeply affected me, affected my personality and my fate .

he is very obedient, very great importance for the family. I was able to have such a big family, all the time do not feel they are behind me, for me is a lot of support and motivation, so I am very happy. Meanwhile, from small to large, always around a lot of very important friends, I have always felt that he is a lucky man. These friends are some talented people, a lot of friendship between us is to maintain the more than ten years, or even longer, they have a lot of help and support to me, and also helped me to shape the character and personality today.

"off? Caizhi,": What is your belief in life?

Ma Yanli: thoughts and actions for other women inspire, be considered to create a dream!

well-off? Caizhi:

"for the future is how to plan? Or, what your ideal life?


Ma Yanli: since the beginning of 2012, we cooperate with several top members club, now a Member docking mode service. In the last 1-2 years, we will follow and improve the pattern and some members of the club of the same level of cooperation.

ideal of life Status:

often have time to travel, do feelings clothing, a good look at my daughter grow.