Naomi Watts And Liev Schreiber Show Off Cool Couple Style At Golden Globes PartyStanding Tall, Part

Who? and hubby Liev Schreiber.

What? Starting awards season in style at the Audi Golden Globe 2013 Kick-Off Cocktail Party at Cecconi's Restaurant in LA. The husband and wife team looked sleek and sharp as they stepped out in dark colours. was sophisticated in a pleated black over-knee dress and a bold-shouldered jacket, while Liev opted for a navy suit paired with tan shoes.

Where? Los Angeles, 6 January.

Verdict? So cute, and so hot.

Originally published April 3, 2001.


ORANGE -- White lights glow through the windows of North New Salem Congregational Church the week before Christmas.

The country church fills with worshippers on the foggy Sunday morning, but the Sweeney family from Orange is conspicuously missing.

The Sweeneys arrive late for Sunday school because Tim Sweeney has been in the emergency room all night with a sick friend.

They spread out in three smaller pews before the church service starts, with 7-year-old Roman Sweeney sitting in a row behind his parents and close to his oldest brother, Thadryan.

Roman -- who was born in Russia and adopted into the Sweeney family at the end of January 2000 -- is in the midst of another big change.

Over the past month or so, he has been going to Shriners Hospital in Springfield to be fitted with prosthetic legs. He was born with deformities in his legs and one arm.

But today, Roman is in church with his parents, Tim and Pam, and his sister and three brothers.

The congregation sings hymns as a parishioner plays the guitar. Pam's voice soars as she holds hands with Tim, while Roman delicately turns pages of a Bible.

Pastor Edward ``Ted'' Boren reads the Christmas story from Luke and then leads the congregation in prayer. Thadryan and Roman share a quick, whispered comment in mid-prayer.

Tim and Pam go to the altar to sing with their friend, who has been ill. Tim sings with his hands as well as his voice, clasping his hands in prayer and lifting his arms high during the song.

As the trio sings the words, ``Gloria in excelsis Deo,'' from the hymn, ``Angels We Have Heard on High,'' Roman softly sings along with them from his seat in the pew.

Two days later, Roman is in an examining room at Shriners Hospital with Robert P. Loeffler, a staff prosthetist, and Matt Parente, a prosthetic resident.

The pair are fitting clear plastic molds over Roman's leg stumps. They ask Roman to stand up in the molds.
Roman tells Mr. Loeffler the molds do not hurt ``even a bit discount christian louboutin.'' Later, Pam says Roman's complaints are not about what you would expect.

``There's never enough candy in the world. Can't play enough Nintendo ... but as far as physical discomfort, he doesn't complain about anything,'' she says.

The two men are looking at the molds, trying to figure out how best to fit Roman's new legs so they will be as comfortable as possible.

At the end of the session, Pam asks whether Roman will be able to ride a bike with his legs. Sure, but it may take some work, Mr. Loeffler says.

When Roman first began speaking English, he told his mother he wanted a bicycle.

``You will take me in the store and say, `Which bike, Roman?' '' he explained, ``and I will say, `The red one.' ''

At 11 a.m. on Jan. 8, Roman comes back to the hospital so he can get his new legs. He is again riding piggyback on his oldest brother, Thadryan.

By the end of the day the boy, who is 33 inches tall, will know what it is like to stand 51 inches, or all of 4 feet, 3 inches.

After lunch in the hospital cafeteria, Roman walks down the hall with Pam and Thadryan. His walk is easy, as he pushes off on his nondeformed right arm, balances on his right leg stump for a second, before rolling off his bottom and leg.

As he sits in a waiting area, Roman turns to Pam with a smile.

``I'm gonna walk,'' he says.

Spotting the prosthetic limbs in another room, he bursts into a chant of ``I see my leg. Legs, legs, legs.''

Roman, who has never owned shoes, examines the black sneaker on the end of one leg.

The artificial legs are a mix of faux natural and high tech. The thighs are flesh-colored while the fancy knee joint and calf are a rainbow of colored metal parts.

As Thadryan walks one of the prosthetic legs around the room, he bends it and checks out the knee joint.

``Stop it! Stop messing with my leg!'' Roman tells him. Roman then lines up his new legs on the floor in front of him.

Eventually, one of the legs is strapped on around Roman's hips, and he looks down exclaiming, ``Whoa!''

``I can't even pick it up,'' he says with a grunt.

After both legs are attached, Roman looks both tiny and very tall at the same time. The legs appear to almost overwhelm his body, as he sits with them sticking straight out.

``OK, I'm ready. ... Can we go now?'' Roman says anxiously. But there is still more fitting to be done, such as the screw in a knee joint that needs adjusting.

When Pam asks what he is thinking about, Roman makes a face, and tells her he is thinking about nothing.

Mr. Loeffler asks if Roman is ready, and both men ease Roman into a standing position. He has to be told to wait a while before trying to walk as the men check the prosthetic legs.

Roman stands tall, his shoulders thrown back as he balances on the legs.

Then, Mr. Parente eases his hands away from Roman's waist and back.

Roman is standing tall, on his own two legs.

He makes his way to a set of parallel bars in the hall and begins to walk with the help of Mr. Loeffler and Mr. Parente. As he figures out how to bend the knee joints, the legs jut out and his gait is stiff-legged and rambling.

Even turning around at the end of the parallel bars is a task, but Roman manages with the help of Mr. Loeffler and Mr. Parente.
Carrying his new legs is difficult, ``but I can do it,'' a determined Roman says.

``I know you can do it, sweetheart -- I know you can,'' Pam says christian louboutin outlet.

The prosthetic legs turned out to be too big, so Roman has been wearing ``stubbies,'' legs that do not have knee joints, while he waits for a new set.

Roman sits in the cafeteria at Fisher Hill School in Orange, holding court as he eats a chicken fajita. He is in a class for children who in between kindergarten and first grade. In the cafeteria, kids come and go, quickly filling the empty seats next to him.

He talks and laughs, grabbing bites of lunch in between.

As the crowd thins out, Pamela Arseneau, an aide, comes to take him back to his classroom.

Roman wears bright white sneakers as he walks. His legs stand wide apart and swing out to the side a little, as he walks on his stubbies down the hall.

Sometimes he holds Ms. Arseneau's hand, other times he walks alone with his right arm swinging to keep his momentum going.

``You're quite a hot shot today, aren't you?'' Ms. Arseneau asks.

Boots and shoes sit on the floor by the lockers, potential stumbling blocks for someone still getting used to a new set of legs. But Roman's momentum does not break.

As he walks alone for a minute, Roman clears several shoes without a hitch.

Roman hums a melody as he walks down the hall.