Oh, David!

Oh, David!

top Oh, David! What have you done now?! Whether it’s time to get dressed, eat breakfast, or go to sleep, this youngster can always find a way to make a little trouble. But no matter what David does, his mother truly loves him--and children will, too. 噢!大衛!看看你又做了什麼?不論是穿衣服、吃早餐,還是上床睡覺,這個小傢伙總是有辦法惹出點麻煩。可是,雖然大衛做了一大堆錯事,他都不是故意的,大衛的媽媽其實還是最愛他的,而大衛也好愛他的媽媽…。大衛或許是每個小嬰兒的實際寫照!
