Opera:Next 12.00 #1116 硬體加速修復

Opera:Next 12.00 #1116 硬體加速修復




再次提醒各位,千萬不要使用自訂 CSS 的 Text-Shadow

另外就是這個更新有包含上一個 11.52 的安全性修復

以上,試用 Opera 吧!


Hardware acceleration fixes
由 Tommy A. Olsen(toman). 2011年10月20日星期四上午10:24:40

This is the first snapshot after Opera 12 Alpha. A big thank you goes out to everyone who joined us on the far side of software development and installed the Alpha release of Opera 12. Your feedback has been invaluable.

這是 Opera 12 Alpha 版釋出後的第一個 snapshot。對於參與我們的軟體開發和安裝測試 Opera 12 Alpha 的鄉民們,我們要對你們說聲感謝。你們的回饋非常有價值。

When it comes to hardware acceleration, we're currently in a state of code cleanup and optimization, so there will not be many big changes coming in this area in the next weeks. This builds has a couple of very important fixes though, first among them is plugging a big memory leak on Windows.

當它具備硬體加速後,如今我們的主要的工作就是將程式碼簡潔化和最佳化,所以下星期將不會有很多大更新出現。這個版本有幾個非常重要的問題修復,其中一個就是在 Windows 平台上的記憶體洩漏問題。

Anyone running Opera 12 Alpha are strongly encouraged to upgrade to the build linked below.

我們強烈建議所有已經升級到 Opera 12 Alpha 的使用者更新到這個最新的版本。

  • Code cleanup and optimizations
  • Plugged a huge memory leak on Windows, and a smaller one on Mac
  • Several updates to blocklists. Note that many changes are continuously pushed through autoupdate, so you probably have these changes already
  • - Blocking use of hardware acceleration on NVIDIA Quadro NVS (bad performance)
  • - Blocking use of hardware acceleration on NVIDIA FX/PCX series (buggy driver version detection prevented blocking of the too old driver)
  • - Blocking use of 3D hardware acceleration (WebGL) on Intel GMA 3000 (bad performance)
  • - Added fallback rule for unknown chipsets on Windows as well, should block things like VMWare
  • Fixed ex value parsing on Mac, fixes many odd errors where things go missing on websites like reddit
  • Made "Minimal restart" in crashlog UI work again
  • Improved flash rendering on Mac
  • Fixed crash when closing tabs with "dimmed" dialogs


WARNING: This is a development snapshot: It contains the latest changes, but may also have severe known issues, including crashes, and data loss situations. In fact, it may not work at all.

本翻譯為個人業餘即興之翻譯,非屬官方正式中文翻譯。目的為協助不詣英文的讀者也能夠或多或少的瞭解 Opera 的消息。基於專業程度和時間的關係,省略、錯誤和翻譯品質不佳等問題在所難免。有發現翻譯上的錯誤,歡迎通知,省略與翻譯品質不佳則請見諒。如果發現譯文與原文產生衝突時,一切以原文為準。最後提醒,若你英文造詣高超,請直接閱讀原文。


New Opera Labs release, with getUserMedia and Opera Reader
