Savage Grace: The True Story of Fatal Relations in a Rich and Famous American Family
top 這是一個被迷惑的上流家庭。《野蠻的優雅》是金錢、瘋狂、亂倫、弒母的悲劇改編自真實發生的故事,也是美國夢最陰暗的一角。貴婦芭芭拉美麗、有錢又有社交手腕,先生風流,兒子則是英俊溫柔。這一切,人人稱羨;這一切,都是得來不易的。年輕時,憑著美麗的外貌,芭芭拉幾乎要踏上電影之途,但她卻選擇了努力上游向錢看齊。也終於,她攀附上權貴,擠身嫁入石油、塑膠、地產三財在握的富豪世家。然而,這一切,也都是易破碎的。習於玩樂與美色的先生,當然很快就對芭芭拉喜新厭舊。得不到丈夫歡心的芭芭拉,只好將全副心力放在兒子東尼身上,極盡的溺愛和保護。《野蠻的優雅》的故事背景發生在歐美的大城市,紐約、倫敦、義大利與西班牙,故事中的主角也與當時歐洲名人有互動,作者也徹底研究了這個悲劇家庭的訪問、通信與日記,甚至還有就醫紀錄、監獄紀錄等等。絕對是一個真是犯罪小說,也揭露了世人最好奇的故事,所有最華麗、多金的生活。A spellbinding tale of money and madness, incest and matricide, Savage Grace is the saga of Brooks and Barbara Baekeland -- beautiful, rich, worldly -- and their handsome, gentle son, Tony. Alternately neglected and smothered by his parents, he was finally driven to destroy the whole family in a violent chain of events. Savage Grace unfolds against a glamorous international background (New York, London, Paris, Italy, Spain); features a nonpareil cast of characters (including Salvador Dali, James Jones, the Astors, the Vanderbilts, and European nobility); and tells the doomed Baekelands’ story through remarkably candid interviews, private letters, and diaries, not to mention confidential hospital, State Department, and prison documents. A true-crime classic, it exposes the envied lives of the rich and beautiful, and brilliantly illuminates the darkest corners of the American Dream.