Scandal in Spring

Scandal in Spring

top 四朵壁花只剩柏黛西尚未覓得夫婿。父親斬釘截鐵告訴她必須立刻就找到結婚對象,不然就必須嫁給他選定的那個鐵石心腸又冷漠的施墨修。黛西嚇壞了。她決定要盡全力把自己嫁出去,任何男子都行,只要不是施墨修。但她沒想到墨修會如此迷人,也沒料到兩人之間的火花會一觸即發得不可收拾。黛西發現她一向憎惡的男人竟然可能是她夢寐以求的對象。就在兩心相許之際,一段隱諱的醜聞被揭發了。這個秘密可能會危及墨修,折損這段發展得遠超過黛西想像的感情。這個深深牽動她芳心的男人,究竟是…… After spending three London seasons searching for a husband, Daisy Bowman’s father has told her in no uncertain terms that she must find a husband. Now. And if Daisy can’t snare an appropriate suitor, she will marry the man he chooses -- the ruthless and aloof Matthew Swift. Daisy is horrified. A Bowman never admits defeat, and she decides to do whatever it takes to marry someone . . . anyone . . . other than Matthew. But she doesn’t count on Matthew’s unexpected charm . . . or the blazing sensuality that soon flares beyond both their control. And Daisy discovers that the man she has always hated just might turn out to be the man of her dreams. But right at the moment of sweet surrender, a scandalous secret is uncovered . . . one that could destroy both Matthew and a love more passionate and irresistible than Daisy’s wildest fantasies.
