The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience

The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience

top 賈伯斯簡報密技首度公開! 三階段修練,讓每個人對你說YES的秘訣瞄準你想要影響的人! 無法利用簡報做有效的溝通傳播,構想與努力可能化為泡影 運用賈伯斯的技巧,撼動人們的情感和理智 史提夫.賈伯斯(Steve Jobs)是全世界最擅長擄獲人心的溝通傳播者,任何人與他相比都是望塵莫及。溝通傳播教練卡曼.蓋洛以賈伯斯的傳奇簡報為藍本,挖掘他用什麼本領讓觀眾如痴如醉,協助你學習並學以致用,透過作者的分析,你將學習到賈伯斯如何發揮五種技巧,讓你的簡報如虎添翼: .設計訊息 .呈現理念 .引發人們對產品或功能的熱烈反應 .營造難以忘懷的經驗 .讓顧客皈依為信徒向賈伯斯看齊,你的簡報將會鶴立雞群,讓競爭對手與工作同仁自嘆弗如!作者簡介卡曼.蓋洛(Carmine Gallo) 是一位簡報、媒體訓練、溝通傳播技巧教練,他同時也是美國《商業周刊》網站(的專欄作家,並經常發表主題演講、主持研討會,曾接受CNBC、NBC、CBS、、BNET、RedBook、Forbes.com等媒體專訪。此外,他還在《紐約時報》(New York Times)、《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)、《投資人商務日報》(Investor’s Business Daily)等媒體發表文章。 蓋洛目前住在舊金山灣區,曾在一家全球排名前十名的公關公司擔任副總裁,更多資訊請上他的個人網站www.carminegallo.com查詢。 ★本書中譯本《大家來看賈伯斯:向蘋果的表演大師學簡報》由美商麥格羅•希爾出版 “The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs reveals the operating system behind any great presentation and provides you with a quick-start guide to design your own passionate interfaces with your audiences.” —Cliff Atkinson, author of Beyond Bullet Points and The Activist Audience Apple CEO Steve Jobs’s wildly popular presentations have set a new global gold standard—and now this step-by-step guide shows you exactly how to use his crowd-pleasing techniques in your own presentations. The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs is as close as you’ll ever get to having the master presenter himself speak directly in your ear. Communications expert Carmine Gallo has studied and analyzed the very best of Jobs’s performances, offering point-by-point examples, tried-and-true techniques, and proven presentation secrets that work every time. With this revolutionary approach, you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to sell your ideas, share your enthusiasm, and wow your audience the Steve Jobs way. “No other leader captures an audience like Steve Jobs does and, like no other book, The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs captures the formula Steve uses to enthrall audiences.” --Rob Enderle, The Enderle Group “Now you can learn from the best there is--both Jobs and Gallo. No matter whether you are a novice presenter or a professional speaker like me, you will read and reread this book with the same enthusiasm that people bring to their iPods.” --David Meerman Scott, bestselling author of The New Rules of Marketing & PR and World Wide Rave作者簡介Carmine Gallo Carmine Gallo writes a bi-weekly column for and has been a featured contributor to several other major websites including MSNBC,, Always On, AOL and Yahoo Finance. Gallo personally coaches leading executives for keynote speeches, media interviews, product launches, and book tours.
