The Report Card

The Report Card

top Nora是一個既聰明、成績又好的學生。但是她竟然決定籌備一個新的計畫,並且開始行動:讓她自己也拿到一張慘不忍睹的超爛成績單,來挑戰爸媽、老師、甚至其他同學在平常只以「分數」跟「成績」來衡量別人的這種爛方法!True or False?Fifth grader Nora Rose Rowley is really a genius. True. But don’t tell anyone.Nora always gets average grades so she can forgo the pressure-cooker gifted program or Brainiac Academy.But when Nora gets one hundred percent fed up over testing and the fuss everyone makes about grades, she brings home a terrible report card just to prove a point.Pretty soon her teachers, parents, and the principal are launching a massive effort to find out what’s wrong. But can Nora convince them that tests alone are a stupid way to measure intelligence?作者簡介安德魯.克萊門斯(Andrew Clements)美國備受歡迎與敬重的暢銷作家,著作超過五十本。克萊門斯為兒童創作圖畫書,也為青少年寫小說。他最著名的作品是也是他的第一本小說《我們叫它粉靈豆─Frindle》,一出版即暢銷,長踞《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜,在美國已銷售超過兩百萬冊,獲獎數十次,並售出德、法、義、英、日、韓......等十餘國版權。克萊門斯從中學時代即開始寫詩,他曾有一首詩被英文老師評為「太有趣了,這可以出版!」,開啟了他後來的作家之路。他還曾當過中學教師、為歌手創作歌曲,也曾在出版社擔任主編工作。目前則是專職作家,住在美國麻薩諸塞州。Having always stood out for fantastic grades and a brilliant mind, Nora decides to put a new plan into action where she will challenge the importance of grades by purposefully lowering her scores--demonstrating that grades aren’t as important as they seem when it comes to judging a person. Reprint.
