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2014 sony xperia的相關文章
娛樂拍照模式再提升!Sony Xperia Z3相機速測 索尼4G防水輕旗艦Xperia Z3 Compact【IFA 2014】 索尼SmartWatch 3、SmartBand Talk穿戴新品亮相【IFA 2014】 索尼德國、台灣同步發表Z3旗艦機與平板、穿戴新品【IFA 2014】 索尼8吋4G輕薄平板Z3 Tablet ......
This year's IFA marks one of the largest product announcements by Sony in one go. Alongside the anticipated Z3 flagship, the company unveiled the Z3 Compact, the next generation of the mini that ruled last season. The flagship offerings were followed by a...
With one of the shortest release cycles in the industry - just six months since the release of the Xperia Z2 - Sony is not able to make as many steps forward from one flagship generation to the next as other manufacturers. What it does do, is continue to ...
While we’re all expecting Sony to announce the Xperia Z3, Z3 Compact, and Z3 Compact Tablet later this week at IFA 2014, the Berlin trade show may also be the place where the company will showcase a smartphone that we haven’t heard of until now. According...
The Sony Xperia Z3 is a high-end Android smartphone produced by Sony. The Z3, at that point known by the project code name "Leo", was unveiled during a press conference in IFA 2014 on 4 September 2014. It was first released in Taiwan on September 19, 2014...
Video ke článku: Sony si do Berlína nachystalo plejádu novinek. Těmi hlavními jsou nová vlajková loď Xperia Z3 a její zmenšená varianta Z3 Compact. Oba modely jsou naživo krásné, mají výborné specifikace a zejména ...
Then at MWC 2014, we have the Sony Xperia Z2 that looks the same as the Xperia Z1 but it gets a much improved and slightly bigger 5.2″ screen, front stereo speakers and a larger battery which actually lasts us slightly more than 24 hours of average use. R...