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Canon has unveiled plans for a new EOS 5D Mark III firmware designed to enhance shooting and improve video ......
Alex over at Magic Lantern announced today that the Magic Lantern team has a version of their software that should work on Canon EOS 5D Mark III firmware version 1.2.3 ... Did you have any issues recording more then 1 minute of video in raw? For some reas...
Over on the Magic Lantern forum a user was trying to install the latest version of the third party software, but was unable to. Their camera has firmware 1.3.3, while Canon has only made version 1.2.3 available on their site. There is no word on what feat...
4 天前 - Canon has released firmware updates for its EOS 5D Mark III and EOS-1D X DSLRs. Both updates claim to improve the user's ability to control ......
Canon has released firmware updates for its EOS 5D Mark III and EOS-1D X DSLRs. Both updates claim to improve the user's ability to control autofocus in Live View mode when wide angle lenses are used. Firmware 2.0.7 for the 1D X also fixes a couple of iss...
I can tell you that i bout the 5d3 only because of ml raw with 1.2.3. i waited for that release, refreshing chris overseas topic "how do i dump 5d3 1.2.3" and the bit bucket branch 100 times a day. evan started to learn coding c# ( i know some vb and java...
日期:2024-07-13 Changes Firmware Version 1.2.1 incorporates the following functional improvements and fixes. 1. Uncompressed HDMI output is now enabled. 2. Enables the center AF point to autofocus when the camera is used with Cano...