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        Aaron Hillel Swartz (November 8, 1986 – January 11, 2013) was an American computer programmer, writer, political organizer and Internet Hacktivist. Swartz was involved in the development of the web feed format RSS,[3] the organization Creative Commons,[4]
        My friend Aaron Swartz committed suicide yesterday, Jan 11. He was 26. I got woken up with the news about an hour ago. I'm still digesting it -- I suspect I'll be digesting it for a long time -- but I thought it was important to put something public up so
    In United States of America v. Aaron Swartz, Aaron Swartz, an American computer programmer, writer, political organizer and Internet activist, was prosecuted for many violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), after downloading a great many ac...
    2013年1月16日 ... 支持Aaron 的人士多半認為: 就這點而言,他是否觸犯「擅闖私有財產」 之類的 .... 1970 年代,Steve Jobs 跟Steve Wozniak 所犯下的罪行類似Aaron ......
    He was a child prodigy, an Internet pioneer and an activist who refused to back down - even when the feds tried to break him ... The Brilliant Life and Tragic Death of Aaron Swartz He was a child prodigy, an Internet pioneer and an activist who refused to...
    I did not know Aaron Swartz, unless you count having copies of a person's entire digital life on your forensics server as knowing him. I did once meet his father, an intelligent and dedicated man who was clearly pouring his life into defending his son. My...
    A reluctant witness's account of a Federal prosecution. ... For the first year, we lived together. Being just roommates lasted less than a month, and we entered a powerful and sometimes difficult relationship which we decided would only last a year....
    Robert2 said (January 20, 2013): Aaron was a lucid visionary who discovered that he actually had power to thwart the controlling aspirations of "his" government--definitely a threat to the Establishment. Logically, it is hard to refute his argument (as I ...
    At the funeral of Aaron Swartz, the 26-year-old Internet freedom crusader, Swartz’s father had a blunt message. Aaron — who committed suicide last week while being prosecuted for hacking — “was killed by the government,” he declared. The elder Swartz fann...