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        Aaron Hillel Swartz (November 8, 1986 – January 11, 2013) was an American computer programmer, writer, political organizer and Internet Hacktivist. Swartz was involved in the development of the web feed format RSS,[3] the organization Creative Commons,[4]
        Aaron Swartz is the founder of Demand Progress, which launched the campaign against the Internet censorship bills (SOPA/PIPA) and now has over a million members. He is also a Contributing Editor to The Baffler and on the Council of Advisors to The Rules.
    An organization is not just a pile of people, it’s also a set of structures. It’s almost like a machine made of men and women. Think of an assembly line. If you just took a bunch of people and threw them in a warehouse with a bunch of car parts and a manu...
    Aaron is survived by his parents Robert and Susan Swartz, his younger brothers Noah and Ben, and his partner Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman. Aaron Swartz San Francisco memorial: Thursday, January 24, at The Internet Archive, 300 Funston Avenue, 7pm. RSVP .....
    My friend Aaron Swartz committed suicide yesterday, Jan 11. He was 26. I got woken up with the news about an hour ago. I'm still digesting it -- I suspect I'll be digesting it for a long time -- but I thought it was important to put something public up so...
    Aaron Swartz, the computer programmer and internet freedom activist, committed suicide on Friday in New York at the age of 26. As the incredibly moving remembrances from his friends such as Cory Doctorow and Larry Lessig attest, he was unquestionably bril...
    Editor’s Note: See our blog for a summary of The Tech’s coverage on Aaron Swartz. Computer activist Aaron H. Swartz committed suicide in New York City yesterday, Jan. 11, according to his uncle, Michael Wolf, in a comment to The Tech. Swartz was 26. “The ...
    Aaron Swartz was different with different people, and with the same people at different times, so his story is fractured. The people closest to him believe that he would not have killed himself without the prosecutors, but they feel that there is somethin...
    For those who haven't heard, Aaron Swartz was a 26-year-old architect of the modern Internet, and he is no longer with us. He was a gifted programmer and hacker and a champion for the essential freedom of information and a universal right of access to tha...