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Tutorial about how to integrate Google Maps V2 into your android applications. Explained how to configure google play service and map key. Covered basic topics ... 3. Getting the Google Maps API key 1. Same as in maps v1 we need to generate SHA-1 fingerpr...
2013年8月25日 - Tutorial about how to integrate Google Maps V2 into your android applications. Explained how to ... Select Services on left side and turn on Google Maps Android API v2. android google console maps ... Creating new Project....
Tutorial on how to get an activity running using the Google Maps API v2 for Android. Covers all required steps. Code available at
Demonstrates how to get a Google Maps API key for Android app development using Windows 7 and Eclipse. I recommend you watch this in ADDITION to the Android-Google Maps Setup demo ( This is just how to get your API key if usin...
Today I am going to tell you how to work with Google Maps Android v2 . In here I will show you how to view your current location in Google Maps with GPS. First of all you have to Add Google Play Service Library to your project because Google Map for Andro...
Using mMap.setMyLocationEnabled(true) can set the myLocation layer enable. But the problem is how to get the myLocation when the user clicks on the button? I want to get the longitude and latit... ... The Google Maps API location now works, even has liste...
One of the unique features of mobile applications is location awareness. Mobile
users bring their devices with them ......
Note: This is a guide to the Android framework location APIs in the package location. The Google Location Services API, part of Google Play Services, provides a more powerful, high-level framework that automates tasks such as location provider choice …...