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        I’ve been recently using the Android Compatibility Library in a project where I found myself in the need for a tabbed layout, in which each of the tab’s children would be a fragment. The usual way to do this is for the activity you need the tabs in to ext
        Return the Transition that will be used for shared elements transferred back during a pop of the back stack. This Transition acts in the leaving Fragment. Typical Transitions will affect size and location, such as ChangeBounds. A null value will cause tra
    Class Overview Static library support version of the framework's Fragment. Used to write apps that run on platforms prior to Android 3.0. When running on Android 3.0 or above, this implementation is still used; it does not try to switch to the framework's...
    To create a Fragment, a class must inherit from Android.App.Fragment and then override the OnCreateView method. OnCreateView will be called by the hosting Activity when it is time to put the Fragment on the screen, and will return a View. A typical OnCrea...
    Back in January we promised to show you the best Android apps on a weekly basis. Here we are, more than half a year later, and our Best Android Apps of the Week column is still up and running. If you are new here, you should know that our Best Android App...
    #5 Thanks for the reliable workaround! Here's my empty fragment if someone needs, to use it: - add this fragment in your activity, - implement the listener in your activity. The listener will be called each time the fragment pass onRe...
    Replace your smartphone's stock camera app and do more with your photos. ... Aviary Photo Editor Aviary isn't an app, but I included it here because it's free and works well. It's actually a plug-in that adds itself to the Share options on your phone....
    Marvin, the Paranoid Android, is a fictional character in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series by Douglas Adams. Marvin is the ship's robot aboard the starship Heart of Gold. Originally built as a failed prototype of Sirius Cybernetics Corporation'...
    One of the challenges that you will encounter during your time as an Android app developer is developing for multiple screen sizes. There are many things to keep in mind during your adventure into screen sizes. The following list can keep you on track. Th...
    Learning to implement a location-aware Google map in Android App.; Author: Peter Leow; Updated: 5 Oct 2014; Section: Android; Chapter: Mobile Development; Updated: 5 Oct 2014 ... So bland! Let's spice things up a bit, shall we? First, try customizing the ...