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most susceptible mycoplasmas gram-positive bacteria gram-negative bacteria pseudomonads rickettsiae enveloped viruses chlamydiae non-enveloped viruses fungal spores picornaviruses (i.e. FMD) parvoviruses acid-fast bacteria bacterial spores coccidia prions...
Potency and antimicrobial spectrum update for piperacillin/tazobactam (2000): emphasis on its activi
1. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2002 May;43(1):49-60. Potency and antimicrobial spectrum update for piperacillin/tazobactam (2000): emphasis on its activity against resistant organism populations and generally untested species causing community-acquired .....
1. Infection. 2011 Aug;39(4):333-40. doi: 10.1007/s15010-011-0132-6. Epub 2011 Jun 25. Extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Gram-negative pathogens in community-acquired urinary tract infections: an increasing challenge for antimicrobial therapy. Meier...
Tigecycline is supplied as a 50 mg vial for reconstitution. [1] The average wholesale price (AWP) for treatment with tigecycline is $162.83 on day 1 (including the loading dose of 100 mg and a 50 mg dose 12 h later) and $108.55 on subsequent treatment day...
The first approved agent in a new class of antimicrobials is available for the treatment of resistant gram-negative and gram-positive infections. ... Spectrum of Activity Tigecycline exhibits activity against a variety of aerobic gram-positive and gram-ne...
Microban is a top provider of antimicrobial technology solutions. Allow us to help enhance your products with antimicrobial technology. ... What We Do With our versatile antimicrobial additive solutions at hand, we help our partners supply products with m...
Design for the Environment Antimicrobial Pesticide Pilot Project: Moving Toward the Green End of the
Ingredients Approved for Use in Products for DfE Pesticide Pilot In 2009, OPPT and OPP staff screened antimicrobial active ingredients to identify the active ingredients acceptable for use in DfE-labeled products. The following 3 active ingredients passed...
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control | Full text | Carriage of extended-spectrum beta-lact
The incidence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing-enterobacteriacae (ESBL-E) infection is rising worldwide. We aimed to determine the prevalence and nosocomial acquisition rate of ESBL-E as well as the risk factors for ESBL-E carriage and ......