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Download demo project - 14.1 KB Download source - 22.4 KB 1. Introduction This article presents some uses of the configuration file. Using C++/CLI, you will learn how to use the app.config file and how to use sections or create custom sections. 2. Backgro...
How to use App.Config (Application Configuration) in Console Application or Windows Application in C
How to use App.Config (Application Configuration) in Console Application or Windows Application in C# ? Using App.Config file in Visual Studio 2005 or 2008.Accessing App.Config Configuration Settings in C#.Free Code Snippet from CodeDigest. Free .NET,ASP ...
App.Config and Web.Config allow you to easily store configuration for use at runtime. The facility they expose is key/value pairs, like so: At runtime, you can access these values like so: System ......
Programmatically change web service information in app.config. C# / C Sharp Forums on Bytes. ... OK, this is the situation. The windows form client is a ClickOnce app and will be downloaded from a central location. It needs some default config but the web...
This document explains how to configure a connection string at runtime for a Windows application using C#. ... Introduction This document explains how to configure a connection string at runtime for a Windows application using C#. This will help the user ...
由於項目中使用了其他第三方插件,不允許將配置寫在app.config中 我將配置寫在log4net。config中卻不能記錄日誌 到底是何原因 在 AssemblyInfo.cs是這樣寫的......
Adding an app.config file to a Windows Store app, the app crashes at startup with no good information what's the reason. As no app.config files with ... Thank you for reporting this issue. This issue has been fixed in Visual Studio 2013. You can install a...
So I recently thought I’d try using the app.config file to specify some data for my application (such as URLs) rather than hard-coding it into my app, which would require a recompile and redeploy of my app if one of our URLs changed. By using the app.conf...