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        Crowdsourcing is the process of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people, and especially from an online community, rather than from traditional employees or suppliers.[1] This process is often u
        I like to use two definitions for crowdsourcing: The White Paper Version: Crowdsourcing is the act of taking a job traditionally performed by a designated agent (usually an employee) and outsourcing it to an undefined, generally large group of people in t
    日期:2024-07-12 is the leading source of crowdsourcing and crowdfunding information, insight and research. Featuring thousands of examples and detailed profiles of over 2,000 crowdsourcing and crowdfunding sites. ... Standing Out in the White Label ......
    IdeaScale Innovation Software can be deployed at any size organization. ... The Best Ideas Bubble Up See the most valuable ideas rise to the top. You’ll solve problems and steer innovation knowing what your community really wants....
    Below is a list of projects that rely on crowdsourcing. See also open innovation....
    One of the difficulties that businesses face is dealing with demand spikes for certain types of work. You may have one million images that need to be tagged today, or 100,000 new catalog entries that need to be validated, but only have that need once per ...
    Welcome to Crowdsourcing Week. We're paving the transition to a more open and crowd-centered economy by putting the new collaborative era on a global stage. ... Changing Environments – Social Media turns into Social Productivity The future is human-centri...
    Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s New Year’s resolutions have generally put most people’s to shame. In the past, he has vowed to do things like write a thank you note to someone who made the world better each day and to learn to speak Mandarin – which he did...
    Say you’re starting a new online shopping site, and you imported thousands of products. Now you need to tag and categorize them, a job which seems tedious and will take many hours of work. You could do it all by yourself, or you could outsource it to crow...
    OkCupid is the best dating site on Earth, with apps for iOS and Android. Start meeting people today! ... Join the best free dating site on Earth. Almost there! Just a little more to go. Ahh, the last step. Don’t stop now! Hi ! You’re almost done....