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        工具 插件 漢化 遊戲 遊戲漢化 破解 系統 補丁 趣味 軟體 軟體漢化 輸入法 通知中心widget 鈴聲 用戶登陸 用戶名: 密 碼: 新用戶註冊 忘記密碼 所有分類 SBsettings ...
        3G Unrestrictor 5 - iPhone app which tricks applications into believing they are on WiFi even though they are on a mobile 3G connection to allow things, which usually only work on WiFi. This allows you to use FaceTime, Photo Stream, iCloud backup, watch h
    I was wondering if it was possible to block data usage completely when a certain data transfer limit has been reached? Does an app exist for that? I am aware there are some apps ......
    Features Screenshots Get It Help FAQ Changelog Press Usage Once you install 3G Unrestrictor, you will have the app icon on your home screen. To use it, just start the config app and press the edit button, followed by the + button. Any app you add in the ....
    How do I use SBSettings roqyGPS button? Be sure to have SBSettings installed. Then use roqyBT graphical app to connect to your GPS at least once. This to make roqy learn your GPS device. Then you are able to reconnect to the latest connected device by ......
    The little battery icon in the taskbar at the upper right of the iPhone screen is okay at giving a rough indication of battery life remaining. Unfortunately when it comes to details the icon is not so useful. Luckily there are ways to display the exact pe...
    It's not a direct answer, but I have had great success using the netstat app to correlate app use with network connections. On some tough cases, paying for the delta mode and background features are able to detect and track usage by setting a trap to moni...
    SBSettings is one of our favorite jailbreak apps. It offers a faster way to access iPhone Settings from any app without going through the hassle of exiting the app and launching the Settings app. It is probably one of the top reasons why users jailbreak t...
    Use an iPhone data plan blocker to block incoming and outgoing connections to EDGE and 3G network. Now you can get an AT&T plan for iPhone without monthly data plan with ......
    Facetime Over 3G Make/Receive video calls over 3G service. Video conference while on the go! (Requires reasonably good 3G data connection) Enable individual apps You're in control! Choose which apps you want to "trick" that they're on WiFi. In-App Prompti...