search:depth of field calculator相關網頁資料

        Depth of field and hyperfocal distance calculator ... Use the actual focal length of the lens for depth of field calculations. The calculator will automatically adjust for any "focal length multiplier" or "field ...
        In optics, particularly as it relates to film and photography, depth of field (DOF) is the distance between the nearest and farthest objects in a scene that appear acceptably sharp in an image. Although a lens can precisely focus at only one distance at a
    At this viewing distance and print size, camera manufacturers assume a circle of confusion is negligible if no larger than 0.01 inches (when enlarged). As a result, camera manufacturers use the 0.01 inch standard when providing lens depth of field markers...
    DOFMaster Depth of Field Calculator (for Windows® operating systems) Use DOFMaster to print depth of field scales to take into the field. Rotate the dial to set the focus distance on the scale, and quickly read the near focus distance, far focus distance,...
    1 Jul 2012 ... But what is the question here is: Is there any formula that relates all these ... Depth of field depends on two factors, magnification and f-number....
    DEPTH OF FIELD CALCULATOR A depth of field calculator is a useful photographic tool for assessing what camera settings are required to achieve a desired level of sharpness. For a background on what everything here means, also see the tutorial on depth of ...
    One important item. When you have your Hyperfocal distance set on your lens, please do not make an attempt to refocus to bring everything sharp. It will appear out of focus, but your final image will be tack sharp from the fore ground to infinite. Give it...
    Depth-of-Field Calculator NS 2.0 MSIE 3.0 or later Required First a brief review of depth of field... (or skip this and go to the calculator) Depth of field (DOF) is the range of distances in an image over which the image is said to be "sharp". In actuali...
    In the first of a new set of CPN tools we offer the Canon depth-of-field calculator that lets you input your information on camera, aperture, lens focal length and focus distance and ......