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    Actually the pharmacology industry did a really good job of scaring us to death about high cholesterol and dietary cholesterol intake. Here’s The Skinny On Cholesterol & What to eat to improve it……. There’s cholesterol all over your body, it’s an essentia...
    I’ll let you in on a secret on why I’m successful. I’m successful because I’m a great modeler. That’s a fancy word for, “I copy a lot”. I simply do what other successful people are doing. It’s the great shortcut to success. As a Gold Member of the TrulyRi...
    grumpycakes: scifigrl47 has recieved her card so this can finally go up!!! I had fun drawing the interns and Darcy. Drew’s hair makes him look so angelic and I love it. HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE My BABIES!!! They make the best Christmas card. And you ......
    From diet books to news headlines, protein is in, while carbohydrates and fats are out. Without this very important nutrient, we wouldn't be able to build, maintain and repair the body's tissues. Of the 20 amino acids that are used to make protein, nine c...
    It's really weird how so many of us think this arcticle is total crap. I have essentially lived at home the last 27 months with two cats the first year. Then 4 more as the female had kittens. We gave two of them away(the boys) and kept the two girl kitten...
    Moms of Multiples Tell it Like it Is ... This past Sunday my twins turned one. I can hardly believe it. The year absolutely flew by. I had been planning to write a little post on surviving your first year with twins, but as I started thinking about what I...
    After her mother died of Ebola, a young girl in Sierra Leone was left an orphan when nobody in her village, even relatives, wanted to take her, though she showed no symptoms of the virus. ... On a recent day she asked a visitor: “Do you want me?” Ebola ha...