
These data are released each Thursday, generally at 4:30 p.m. Publication may be shifted to the next business day when the regular publication date falls on a federal holiday. This site has H.4.1 releases for the following date(s): February 19, 2015 Curre...
That “is a widespread view in parts of the Fed, I think, and in financial markets,” Bullard said in an interview last week. While he disagrees with that perspective, it “won the day.” The Fed is testing new tools that would allow it to keep a large balanc...
This chart compares the monthly percentage growth of the Federal Reserve balance sheet (U.S. Treasuries and Agency MBS) against the price of gold back to 2004. ... Fed Balance Sheet vs. Gold Price This chart compares the monthly percentage growth of the ....
Figure 2 Historical View of Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Click to enlarge SOURCES: Federal Reserve Board, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Historical Statistics of the United States/Haver Analytics. NOTE: The lengthier historical time series featured in Figu...
These actions have not only resulted in an expanded balance sheet – from less than $1 trillion before the crisis to over $2 trillion today – but also a change in the composition. Whereas traditional holdings used to dominate the balance sheet, lending to ...
What's driven the ups and downs of the stock market over the last few years, you ask? Greg Weldon explains in his recent interview with Financial Sense Newshour that it all comes down to the Fed's balance sheet. To be exact, the two have a correlation (us...
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review A quarterly research journal intended for an economically informed but broad readership—from the undergraduate student to the PhD. Current Issue | Previous Issues In this Issue: The State of Young Adults’ Balan...
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — The monster rally in stocks over the past few days may be attributed to calmer oil prices or soothing comments from Federal Reserve officials, but one strategist says it’s all about the balance sheet of Janet Yellen’s Fed. There i...