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Method 2 (alternate, but it works with no mouse interaction) Another way to accomplish this is to use a combination of the fill-down shortcut and the select all in range. After you enter the data in the cell, press Ctrl+Shift+End to select from the curren...
Every one knows that the Fill Handle can be used to copy formulas in Excel, but did you know that it can be done with a double click of the mouse? This tutorial includes a step by step example of how to fill down a column of formulas in Excel by double cl...
This Excel tip covers using the Fill Down command in Excel using a keyboard shortcut. ... This Excel tip shows you how to apply the Fill Down command in an Excel spreadsheet using a keyboard shortcut. The key combination that applies the Fill Down ......
Try this combination Press ALT+SHIFT+P, this is the short cut to font size Press TAB a few times to get across to the font fill icon Press arrow down - You see the colour box drop down? Now press arrow down / right Select the colour you want to fill the c...
Is there a key combination to press to open the Fill command? ... Applies to Office Office 2007 Microsoft Office Excel Had this question Me Too 3 Question GMoller asked on August 1, 2010 | 347 views Shortcut for Fill in Excel...
How can I make a keyboard shortcut for fill down? I have formulas in a row of cells and want to add these formulas into several cells below. Since I have been using Excel for the ......
In this post, we’ll cover a handy technique for filling data labels down through an Excel range. This can also be referred to as repeating the labels, or, as flattening the data. Let’s get into it. Flattening Data Many of Excel’s features, such as PivotTa...
Is there anyway to create a shortcut for the Fill Up command. You know, Fill Down is Ctrl-D and Fill Right is Ctrl-R. Is there anyway to set up one for Fill Up?...