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    For loop executes group of Java statements as long as the boolean condition evaluates to true. For loop combines three elements which we generally use: initialization statement, boolean expression and increment or decrement statement. For loop syntax ......
    This article explains how to declare, initialize and use Java arrays. For-each loop or enhanced for loop is a special syntax loop to iterate through Java arrays. Java arrays are dynamically created objects; therefore, Java array variable holds a reference...
    An array is an indexed collection of elements of a single type that is specified when the array is declared. With more general collections such as ArrayLists, the elements are stored as Objects. You could use the C style for loop to iterate through a coll...
    A foreach loop syntax is: for(type obj:array) {...} EX: String[] s = {"Java", "Coffe", "Is", "Cool"}; for(String str:s /*s is the array*/) { System.out.println(str); } Output: Java Coffe Is Cool WARNING: You can access array elements with the foreach loop...
    9) You can access element of Array by using [] operator. Since array index starts at zero [0] returns first element and [length-1] returns last element from array in Java. For loop is a convenient way to iterate over entire array in Java. You can use for ...
    A for loop is a special loop that is used when a definite number of loop iterations is required. Although a while loop can also be used to meet this requirement, the for loop provides you with a shorthand notation for this type of loop....
    Here's how: // Create an array with room for 100 integers int[] nums = new int[100]; // Fill it with numbers using a for-loop for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) nums[i] = i + 1; // +1 since we want 1-100 and not 0-99 // Compute sum int sum = 0; for (in...
    Java 1.5 foreach loop provides an elegant way to iterate over array in Java. In this programming tutorial, we will learn how to loop over String array in Java by using foreach loop....