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        Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust (IDGT) tax return favors heirs when transferring assets. How do I submit tax returns with Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust? ... An Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust is specifically designed to defect income t
        However, the Grantor may or may not realize the Living Revocable Trust is outright dangerous for asset protection, wealth preservation, and estate tax elimination. The Living Trust is obsolete for assets greater than $675,000. With the Living Trust the Gr
    When a grantor -- the creator of a trust -- is alive, he pays taxes on any taxable trust activities, but when he dies, beneficiaries pay tax on the trust distributions. Because the ......
    A grantor retained annuity trust (commonly referred to by the acronym GRAT), is a financial instrument commonly used in the United States to make large financial gifts to family members without paying a U.S. gift tax.[1]...
    An irrevocable trust is defined under state law while a grantor trust is a federal tax category, but there is considerable overlap between the two. Most trusts, even those considered irrevocable under state law, are considered grantor trusts by the IRS un...
    Guidelines that state a trust is considered to be a grantor trust if the grantor has a reversionary interest greater than 5% of the trust assets (at the time the transfer of assets to the trust is made). If a trust is considered to be a grantor trust, the...
    This is a living trust that is made during the lifetime of the grantor. Such a trust, allows the grantor to control his assets and determine the ratio that each beneficiary should get....
    Askville Question: Can the sale of a house in an irrevocable trust avoid capital gains tax if the grantor has never taken th : Taxes ... It depends on what kind of irrevocable trust the house is in. Is it a Grantor trust or a QPRT, (Qualified Personal Res...
    A Grantor Retained Annuity Trust, or GRAT for short, is a special type of irrevocable trust that allows the Trustmaker/Grantor to gamble against the odds and, if the Trustmaker/Grantor plays their cards right, then a significant amount of wealth can be mo...
    Income Taxation of Grantor Trusts The income taxation of trusts is governed by Subchapter J of the Internal Revenue Code, 641 through 692. For purposes of certain provisions within Subchapter J, a trust will either be classified as a simple trust or a com...