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I am a married woman in my mid forties with two grown-up children. I emigrated to Australia five years ago, and I have a wonderful job, nice friends and a fantastic husband. The trouble is I am in love with another man. I used to work with him but he is n...
D First Responder, you are a fool. Just like half the responses on this discussion group you have no idea what you are talking about. First, there are different types of diabetes. People with type 2 can reverse the effects on their bodies through diet and...
2. 'I hope' You often use I hope to express a wish that someone will have a pleasant time. After hope you can use either the future form or the present simple. For example, you can say 'I hope you'll enjoy the film' or 'I hope you enjoy the film'....
Chronic stress can create chronic disease. Happiness can create health. Your immune system works better. Your brain and your body work in harmony and everything is right with the world. Give me a second here and just indulge this thought. I had a fiancé y...
Well in this post I am going to let out certain things I had done when I started off on the agenda to get my wife back. If you have read my last post, “Post Divorce…The Sunrise” you know that this talks about the post divorce period too. But here I am goi...
Two days is the amount of time that I spent lying face down in a completely dark guest bedroom in my childhood home. Just to be clear, I would have spent the two days laying face down on the (surprisingly still really comfortable) extra-long twin bed in t...
(CNN)-- One day after joining more than a score of other women accusing Bill Cosby, famed model Beverly Johnson told CNN that the legendary comedian's reputation for such acts was a secret in Hollywood -- one she only wished she knew about 30 years ago. J...
When the news broke that her father was about to be appointed Archbishop of Canterbury, Katharine Welby found herself in floods of tears. “I ended up crying and crying,” she says, but not because she didn’t want her dad to get the job. “I was excited for ...