search:i'm so boring相關網頁資料

        Could I be more boring? I'm even boring myself. Some more boring randomness for you: I went a little crazy with the scissors this week. ... I'm so boring Could I be more boring? I'm even boring myself. Some more boring randomness for you: I went a little
        I have been so boring lately. I haven't been doing anything. I watch lame TV, play computer games, and nap. I am so bored. ... The problem with being bored is I never know what to do that will get me out of the rut I’m in. Anyone have any ideas? I sure do
    Could I be more boring? I'm even boring myself. Some more boring randomness for you: I went a little crazy with the scissors this week. ... I'm so boring Could I be more boring? I'm even boring myself. Some more boring randomness for you: I went a little...
    I have been so boring lately. I haven't been doing anything. I watch lame TV, play computer games, and nap. I am so bored. ... The problem with being bored is I never know what to do that will get me out of the rut I’m in. Anyone have any ideas? I sure do...