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The Xperia Z1 will go on sale worldwide later this month in black, white, and purple colors. Sony is keeping mum about carrier availability and pricing. Photos and hands-on will be coming soon. Tags announcement camera ifa 2013 ifa2013 sony xperia z1...
Autoplay When autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next. Up Next Toshiba Satellite Click W35DT A330 Laptop How To Repair Guide - By 365 - Duration: 17:07. by 365 Laptop Repair 2,514 views 17:07 Play next Play now...
Toshiba FlashAir: Wireless transfer of photos from your digital camera - IFA 2013 interview - YouTub
Once upon a time you had to pull an SD card from your camera and upload pictures to a PC in order to share them. Not anymore. The FlashAir SD cards ( from Toshiba include a built-in wireless LAN chip plus an antenn...
Toshiba Encore review | Toshiba's 8-inch Windows 8.1 tablet just about fits in your hand – but will you want to come back for more? Reviews | TechRadar ... Let's not beat about the bush here; the market that the Toshiba Encore tablet is launching into isn...
[IFA 2013] Alcatel Unveils One Touch Hero With Awesome E-Ink Cover And 3400mAh Battery, Along With 4
ALCATEL ONE TOUCH unveils the HERO - their headline act at IFA 2013 Berlin, September 4 th 2013 - Want your phone to be smarter? ALCATEL ONE TOUCH presents the HERO. Featuring a 6” Full HD IPS display, 1.5 GHz Quad Core processor and 13 ......
《刺客教條 4:黑旗》中文版本周開賣,「海盜刺青」用愛德華肉體細數海盜生涯。 跟上了 NVMe SSD 的風潮,Toshiba 也展出了使用 NVMe 規格的產品,不過 Toshiba 決定走向更極端路線,推出了整合控制器與快閃記憶體在同一包裝內的...
ZenBook 再次進化,全新的 UX305 將採用 Intel Core M 處理器。 全新的 ZenBook UX305 採用了代號 Broadwell 的 Intel Core M 系列處理器,13 吋的螢幕,提供了 3200 x 1800 的解析度,一整個就是以旗艦產品的面貌問世。 1.2kg 的重量,提供 3200 x 1800...