search:imaps telnet 993相關網頁資料

E-mail protocols [edit] The Internet Message Access Protocol (commonly known as IMAP) is an Application Layer Internet protocol that allows an e-mail client to access e-mail on a remote mail server. The current version, IMAP version 4 revision 1 (IMAP4rev...
Unable to fetch mails into ServiceDesk Plus as the ports are being blocked by Firewall/Antivirus. Is it important to configure SSL Certificate to use POPS/IMAPS for fetching mails? Authentication and Configuration Errors: Settings saved ......
1. Introduction This guide is designed to compliment the basic postfix guide. It is written for CentOS 5. Configuration will differ for CentOS 6. 2. What is SASL and do I need it? By default, postfix uses the $mynetworks parameter to control access, i.e. ...
Port Service Beschreibung Status 20 ftp-data Port used from ftp servers to send the data to the client Nicht geprüft 21 ftp Port used to control the client session Nicht geprüft 22 ssh Remote access service, most common on *nix servers Nicht geprüft 23 te...
ftps 990/tcp FTP protocol, control, over TLS/SSL ftps 990/udp FTP protocol, control, over TLS/SSL telnets 992/tcp Telnet protocol over TLS/SSL telnets 992/udp Telnet protocol over TLS/SSL imaps 993/tcp IMAP4 protocol over TLS/SSL imaps 993/udp IMAP4 ......
FirePlotter, Fire Plotter, real-time, real time, firewall, sessions, connection, analyser, analyzer, monitor, connections, monitoring, bandwidth, quality of service, qos, throtttling, port, ports, usage, cisco, pix, asa, fortinet, fortigate, telnet, ssh, ...
The preferred email protocol for this configuration is IMAPS as all emails are stored on the main server and then replicated through to your MUA client when it connects. Because the mail files on the server and client are synchronised, the webmail applica...
Here is a list of common TCP/IP ports for reference when conducting a penetration test: Common TCP/IP Ports Port Type Usage 20 TCP FTP Data 21 TCP FTP Control 22 TCP|UDP Secure Shell (SSH) 23 TCP Telnet 25 TCP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP ......