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        The taipans are a genus, Oxyuranus, of large, fast-moving and highly venomous Australasian snakes of the elapid family. There are currently three recognized species, one of which, the coastal taipan, has two subspecies. The taipans are considered some of
        The inland taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus), also commonly known as the western taipan, the small-scaled snake, or the fierce snake,[5] is an extremely venomous snake of the taipan (Oxyuranus) genus, and is endemic to semi-arid regions of central east Au
    The Inland Taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus), or the Fierce Snake, is a snake in Australia and is the most venomous snake on Earth.[1][2] It belongs to the Elapidae family. Although it is poisonous, it does not bite easily, and prefers to escape from trou...
    Image: Inland taipan snake by Wikipedia contributor The inland taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus) possesses the most toxic venom of any snake in the world. But here again, that does not necessarily mean that the inland taipan -- also known as the fiece As ...
    Reptiles - Inland Taipan - The genus name ‘Oxyuranus’ derives from the Greek words ‘oxis’ meaning sharp and ‘oura’ meaning ‘tail’. The species name ‘microlepidotus’ comes from the Greek ‘micros’ meaning ‘small’ and ‘lepis’ meaning ‘scale’. Put it all toge...
    This editable Main Article is under development and not meant to be cited; by editing it you can help to improve it towards a future approved, citable version. ... The Inland taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus), also commonly known as the Fierce Snake is na...
    Australian Museum, Sydney - Explore our events, exhibitions, collections and indigenous cultures ... Often cited as the world’s most venomous snake, the Inland Taipan is far from the most dangerous. Unlike its congener, the common and fiery-tempered Coast...
    Inland Taipan Location And Environment The inland taipan is located in the deserts of Australia. The environment it lives in is a very harsh place it get up to fifty degrees in the middle of the day and minus twenty at night time. It is made up of mainly ...