search:ios double buffering相關網頁資料

Example screensaver in source code. Does a mini-preview too!; Author: Garry Freemyer; Updated: 24 Jun 2005; Section: Dialogs and Windows; Chapter: Desktop Development; Updated: 24 Jun 2005 ... Sorry it's been so long since your question. My first guess is...
A common problem when drawing with GDI in VC++ is that the screen might flicker when you’re doing a lot of drawing. This problem can be overcome by drawing on a so called back buffer. The back buffer is then drawn at once. I’ve created a Win32 project in ...
PC Magazine Tech Encyclopedia Index - Definitions on common technical and computer related terms. ... Preloading data into a reserved area of memory (the buffer). In streaming audio or video from the Internet, buffering refers to downloading a certain amo...
The most common way is to copy the userdata folder (via SFTP) (not to be confused with FTP) from the iOS device to another computer: /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/ for all of your XBMC data, add-ons, skins, etc, or just /private/var/mobile/...
***Update 17 November 2014: More of these bugs have been fixed in iOS 8.1.1. See our post for more details: Apple Releases iOS 8.1.1 with Fixes for Blind and Low Vision ......
iOS 4's new fast app switcher interface also allows you to kill both Apple and 3rd party App Store apps that may be causing problems in the background. To access the fast app switcher in iOS 4, double click the home button on iPhone 4 iPhone 3GS, or iPod ...
Our own David Gewirtz tells us that he has decided not to upgrade to iOS 8 for any of his devices. He's got some compelling reasons. Read on to find out what they are....
Propagation delay-Amount of time it takes the data to physically travel over the media. Queuing delay-Amount of time lost due to congestion. Every network device between two endpoints involved in a call is a potential source of queuing or buffering delays...