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Season 1 [edit] Season 1 started off with regular cartoons in their regular order. Sniz & Fondue, Action League Now!, Prometheus and Bob, and Life with Loopy. The Off-Beats was also another regular cartoon that occasionally filled in for "Life with Loopy"...
Right now, millions of mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs, and other animals are locked inside cold, barren cages in laboratories across the country. They languish in pain, ache with loneliness and long to roam free and use their minds. Instead, al...
(I'm afraid that's the best "before" picture I have of that spot. Silly me.) It just didn't have a substantial look to it. More importantly, I made the door flush with the edge of the countertop. I knew that countertops usually extend 1" out from the cabi...
I wrote this recipe over a year ago when I volunteered to take a dessert to a dinner party at a friend's house in Jacksonville. They are the kind of people who appreciate a good creative, non traditionally cooked dish. For example, once at their house, we...
There’s a revolution occurring in cancer treatment, and it could mean the end of chemotherapy. When it comes to taming tumors, the strategy has always been fairly ... Thank you so much Alice for this wonderful article about Chemo. Most of the info here ar...
Celebrity diets, like celebrities themselves, get a lot of attention. But are these eating plans really all that special? Yes and no. Yes, the ones that work are solid. But the ones that don’t are a complete waste of time. Kind of an obvious judgement, ri...
The one thing I've been asked over and over again is this: "How did you know it was time to get a divorce?" ... Written by Aunt Becky on CafeMom's blog, The Stir. I'm in the middle of my own divorce, and have moved out of the family home and into an apart...
re·fer (r-fûr) v. re·ferred, re·fer·ring, re·fers 1. To direct to a source for help or information: referred her to a heart specialist; referred me to his last employer for a recommendation. 2. To assign or attribute to; regard as originated by. 3. ...