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The robot Keepon (developed by Hideki Kozima and programmed by Marek Michalowski) dancing to the Spoon song, "Don't You Evah." This video is available to the public under the terms of the Creative Commons......
Keepon is a small yellow robot designed to study social development by interacting with children. Keepon was developed by Hideki Kozima (小嶋 秀樹, Kojima Hideki?) while at the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) in Kyoto, J...
Robot toy that can dance and react to touch. Site features demos, a blog, and list of resellers....
Interactive Dancing Robot Toys | My Keepon vs Fijit Friends They’re cute, they’re squishy, and they have a wicked sense of timing – meet the King and Queen of Christmas: My Keepon and Fijit Friends. A quick look at the product details would have you think...
Find great deals on eBay for keepon ikea norden. Shop with confidence. ... Amounts shown in italicised text are for items listed in currency other than Pounds Sterling and are approximate conversions to Pounds Sterling based upon Bloomberg's conversion ra...
Desktop, Robot, Turret, Pan, Tilt, MosquitIO, Arduino, Freeduino, PanTilt, Pan & Tilt, Microcontroller ... The long awaited Desktop RoboTurret v2 is now available! Our hugely popular RoboTurret kit has been revamped, redesigned, and is better than ever!...
My Keepon is an awesome interactive toy. They make super gadget gifts for children or adults, get your dancing toys at Find Me a Gift. ... My Keepon - Interactive Robot My Keepon will certainly go down in history as the world's cutest robot EVER! This rob...
Yay! Thanks to mAngO on the comment thread for my last keepon post, we now know that grounding out the bus during keepon's powerup allows you to act as the master to the bus! This means we can now control the motors and sound, as can be seen in the ......