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        其實,利用冒號指令,我們可以寫得更簡潔: for c = 0:5:40, disp([c 32+9*c/5]), end ... (1:10) 是最美妙的作法,我們現在要利用這個簡單問題來學習迭代技巧。 用 for 迴圈來計算 1+2+3+...+10,想法卻和第一種方法相同,只是技巧更高了: s = 0; for i=1:10, s ...
        This MATLAB function terminates the execution of a for or while loop. ... Description break terminates the execution of a for or while loop. Statements in the loop that appear after the break statement are not executed.
    In MuPAD Notebook only, for - end_for is a repetition statement providing a loop for automatic iteration over a range of numbers or objects. ... for i from start to stop do body end_for for i from start to stop step stepwidth do body end_for _for(i, start...
    Where some_iterable_object is either a data collection that supports implicit iteration (like a list of employee's names), or may in fact be an iterator itself. Some languages have this in addition to another for-loop syntax; notably, PHP has this type of...
    This is a list of frequently asked questions (with answers) pertaining to MATLAB. Back to top ... Introduction, Policy, Credits Edit Back to top What is MATLAB? Edit MATLAB is a commercial software package written by MathWorks. Quoting from their web page...
    expomap - Open the MATLAB Expo Main Map (avoids Expo splash screen). MATLAB/Matrices. intro - Introduction to MATLAB. inverter - Demonstrate the inversion of a matrix. buckydem - Connectivity graph of the Buckminster Fuller geodesic matmanip ......
    The open-loop plant model In the Introduction: Simulink Modeling page we demonstrated how Simulink can be employed to simulate a physical system. More generally, Simulink can also simulate the complete control system, including the control algorithm in .....
    RESHAPE is a very useful function, but it is something that a lot of MATLAB users do not discover until someone is looking at their code and says Why are you ... Reshape a matrix without using a for loop 70 Posted by Doug Hull, March 13, 2009 RESHAPE is a...
    A for loop is used to construct a simple matrix with an underlying pattern. Pre-allocation is addressed in the second half of the video. ... 18 Comments Oldest to Newest Oleg replied on November 6th, 2010 at 18:50 UTC: 1 of ......
    INTRODUCTION TO FOR AND WHILE LOOPS IN MATLAB For loops and while loops allow the computer to run through a series of commands, repeatedly. In the case of a for loop, the commands are executed a fixed number of times, whereas in a while loop the ......