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Kinetic Molecular Theory Maxwell Distribution Concepts In the context of the Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases, a gas contains a large number of particles in rapid motions. Each particle has a different speed, and each collision between particles changes ...
The Maxwell (or Maxwell-Boltzmann) distribution gives the distribution of speeds of molecules in thermal equilibrium as given by statistical mechanics. Defining a=sqrt(kT/m), where k is the Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature, m is the mass of a mole...
Here, is the number density of the molecules. We have omitted the variable in the argument of , since clearly does not depend on position. In other words, the distribution of molecular velocities is uniform in space. This is hardly surprising, since there...
for x = 0,1,2,..., and ≥ 0, where The function serves as a normalization constant so the probability mass function sums to one. Note that does not have a closed form. The additional parameter which does not appear in the Poisson distribution allows for ad...
The Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution describes particle speeds in gases, where the particles do not constantly interact with each other but move freely between short collisions. It describes the probability of a particle's speed (the magnitude of its veloci...
Speed distribution as a sum over all directions To put the three-dimensional energy distribution into the form of the Maxwell speed distribution, we need to sum over all directions. One way to visualize that sum is as the development of a spherical shell ...
Imagine a volume of gas at the top of a planet’s atmosphere. The gas will have a range of velocities described by the Maxwell distribution. If a particle is moving sufficiently fast (i.e. with a speed greater than the escape velocity) and moving away from...
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law, a description of the statistical distribution of the energies of the molecules of a classical gas. This distribution was first set forth by the Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell in 1859, on the basis of probabilist...