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        In a modern military usage, a missile, or guided missile, is a self-propelled guided weapon system, as opposed to an unguided self-propelled munition, referred to as just a rocket. Missiles have four system components: targeting and/or guidance, flight sy
        A ballistic missile is a missile (rocket) that follows a ballistic flightpath with the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target. A ballistic missile is only guided during relatively brief periods of flight, and its trajectory
    Missiles are projectile weapons that are released and fly through the air toward a target. An ICBM, an arrow, or a flung beer bottle—all are missiles, though their effectiveness varies. Rockets are a certain type of missile that includes entirely self-con...
    A missile, also called an ordnance or rocket, was a catch-all term for a type of projectile... ... A scout trooper using a missile launcher. The typical missile was a ranged weapon that carried its own propellant fuel, enabling it to reach a target indepe...
    The Magic Missile is a spell that summons a shimmering projectile that can be launched and... ... The Magic Missile is a spell that summons a shimmering projectile that can be launched and controlled by pressing and holding the left mouse button....
    Missiles are a type of ammunition in Fallout: New Vegas. Guided explosives used by the missile... ... Characteristics Edit Guided explosives used by the missile launcher. When firing a missile in V.A.T.S., all missile types will curve and lock on to the h...
    Back to the list of units The Nuclear Missile is an upgraded, more powerful version of the... ... Population of 4 or less, removing them from the map and leaving City Ruins in their place. However, they are unable to destroy cities that cannot be razed, s...
    Un missile è, in generale, un sinonimo di proiettile, cioè qualcosa che è lanciato (o spinto) allo scopo di percorrere un determinato spazio seguendo una traiettoria balistica. Il termine viene utilizzato principalmente per definire un oggetto dotato di p...
    Un missile est un projectile autopropulsé et guidé, constitué de : un propulseur : moteur fusée, réacteur (généralement statoréacteur), voire les deux (une fusée donnant l'impulsion de départ, avant d'être relayée par un statoréacteur) ; un système de gui...
    L'Exocet est une famille de missiles antinavire français subsoniques (mach 0,9) autonomes (Tire et oublie), volant à basse altitude (quelques mètres au-dessus de la surface de la mer) et lancés par les bâtiments de surface, sous-marins, aéronefs ou batter...