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模糊化 CREATE TRIGGER 陳述式的文字。 使用 WITH ENCRYPTION 可防止在 SQL Server 複寫中發行這個觸發程序。 CLR 觸發程序不能指定 WITH ENCRYPTION。 EXECUTE AS 指定用來執行這個觸發程序的安全性內容。 可讓您控制 SQL Server 執行個體要利用 ......
hi, I have one table student and three fields mtt1,mtt2 and sum.I want to update sum field whenever there is a new value inserted in mtt1 and mtt2.I ... Try this in trigger, this code surely works in oracle, but i am not sure will this works in ms sql 200...
The trick with these kinds of situations is to turn the sequential operation (for each record do xyz) into a set-based operation (an UPDATE statement). I have analyzed your stored procedure and merged your separate UPDATE statements into a single one. Thi...
Hi, I am trying to create a trigger on my Projects table on Insert and Update. If a record is inserted the trigger needs to check another table Forecasts to see if the related record ......
the problem with your code is you assume inserted will contain only a single record but its not always the case. so make it like below Create trigger AddCollegeOfToCollDescOnInsert on Program_Map_full for insert as begin update p set coll_desc='College of...
SQL Server Trigger - SQL Trigger Example in SQL Server 2008 or in SQL Server 2005 ... The sql CTE select statement returns the list of customers affected by Insert, Delete and Update sql command. Now, we can develop t-sql code to fetch the total sales amo...
If it's MS SQL Server... Triggers have special INSERTED and DELETED tables to track "before" and "after" data. So you can use something like IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM DELETED) to detect an update. You only have rows in DELETED on update, but there are ......
Topic last updated -- July 2003 Modifies a table definition by altering, adding, or dropping columns and constraints, or by disabling or enabling constraints and triggers. Syntax ALTER TABLE table { [ ALTER COLUMN column_name { new_data_type [ ( precision...