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An accessible introduction to neutron stars that includes details on their life cycles as well as ......
NASA's Swift X-ray Telescope has observed a spinning, crushed core of a massive star suddenly slowing down. ... "Astronomers have witnessed hundreds of events, called glitches, associated with sudden increases in the spin of neutron stars, but this sudden...
Neutron stars are amongst the most extreme objects in the known universe. And I don't mean extreme as in frontside 360 stalefish varial, I mean the kind of extreme that would've given Einstein bad dreams. Born in supernovae, neutron stars are the ultracom...
A pulsar (short for pulsating radio star)[1] is a highly magnetized, rotating neutron star that emits a beam of electromagnetic radiation. This radiation can only be observed when the beam of emission is pointing toward the Earth, much the way a lighthous...
The Question What is the difference between pulsars and neutron stars? If a pulsar is a neutron star, is every neutron star a pulsar? The Answer A pulsar is a rotating neutron star that can produce radiation by spinning its powerful magnetic field through...
A gamma-ray pulsar is a compact neutron star that accelerates charged particles to relativistic speeds in its extremely strong magnetic field. This process produces gamma radiation (violet) far above the surface of the compact remains of the star, while r...
glitch (glĭch) n. 1. A minor malfunction, mishap, or technical problem; a snag: a computer glitch; a navigational glitch; a glitch in the negotiations. 2. A false or spurious electronic signal caused by a brief, unwanted surge of electric power. 3. Astron...
Stages in the Life of a Star This set of notes by Nick Strobel covers: stellar evolution and stellar remnants. Most of these notes will be in outline form to aid in distinguishing various concepts. As a way to condense the text a bit, I'll often use phras...