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Linux / Unix Command Library: ld. Learn about its synopsis, description, options, and examples. ... NAME ld - Using LD, the GNU linker SYNOPSIS ld [options] objfile... DESCRIPTION ld combines a number of object and archive files, relocates their data and ...
If you own an Android Dev phone, at some point you'd probably want to create and try your own apps (or apps from your friends). To ensure that you do not break your phone by installing malicious apps, Android has a couple of safety features built in. So y...
CMake is a cross-platform, open-source build system. CMake is part of a family of tools designed to build, test and package software. CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration fi...
As you have noticed from the banner on the download page, downloads are moving to This is part of unifying Qt and defragmenting the community. The intention is to gradually move to using one Qt website for all services. Downloads hav...
Command Line Options The linker supports a plethora of command-line options, but in actual practice few of them are used in any particular context. For instance, a frequent use of ld is to link standard Unix object files on a standard, supported Unix syst...
You have still not specified what is your target system and why are you using android’s toolchain for building it. Anyways try removing -lgcc and -lstdc++. Also please do not manually copy the object files that you are doing in your comment as that might ...
• Introduction: What the heck is libtool? • Libtool paradigm: How libtool’s view of libraries is different. • Using libtool: Example of using libtool to build libraries. • Invoking libtool: Running the libtool script. • Integrating libtool: Using libtool ...
We’ve just finished building a Win32 toolchain for building Raspberry PI applications (BTW, if you have not checked Raspberry PI yet, do it, as it’s a pretty amazing gadget for it price). The build process was far away from being straight-forward and slig...