search:note taking app android相關網頁資料

        The funny thing about Evernote and other so-called note-taking apps: Most don’t support note-taking of the actual handwritten variety. That’s a shame, because discreetly jotting down shorthand during a critical client meeting trumps pounding away at an aw
        A compilation review evaluating a number of note-taking apps in order to establish which one is the best for healthcare professionals. These apps all take inputs via a stylus and the 'zoom' method. The main functional situations these apps will be used in
    5. Fetchnotes (Web, iOS, Android) Fetchnotes is a newcomer to the online note taking arena but is a great way to take a bunch of quick notes and tag them as well as attach documents and files from a slew of different web apps like Dropbox, Box, Evernote ....
    In a recent workshop, one of my participants -- Cynthia McClelland (@CynMcCl), an eighth grade social studies teacher in a 1:1 iPad program -- explained how she addresses note-taking in her class. First, she encourages the students to take notes on paper....
    Note-taking applications are some of the hottest items on the App Store. More and more these utilities make it easy to record data in a fast and convenient way and the fact that this information lives on our phones means that we can access it anytime we n...