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    This Oracle tutorial explains how to use the Oracle/PLSQL ROUND function (as it applies to numeric values) with syntax and examples. The Oracle/PLSQL ROUND function returns a number rounded to a certain number of decimal places....
    The ROUND() Function is used to return the rounded values of a numeric field to the number of decimals specified. ... ROUND() FUNCTION The ROUND FUNCTION is used to round a numeric column. We need to specify the number of decimals. Syntax : SELECT ......
    In Oracle, ROUND is a built in overloaded function, which is used to round off numeric and DATE type inputs to a specified precisi ... Term: ROUND Definition: In Oracle, ROUND is a built in overloaded function, which is used to round off numeric and DATE ...
    decimal_places is the number of decimal places rounded to. This value must be an integer. If this parameter is omitted, the round function will round the number to ... round(125.315) would return 125 round(125.315, 0) would return 125 round(125.315, 1) wo...
    ROUND function is an ORACLE/Microsoft SQL Server build in single row function and returns a numeric value after rounding to specified decimal places. Examples and exercises ......
    ROUND (number) When a number is specified as an argument, the ROUND function returns the number rounded to the nearest multiple of a second number you specify or to the number of decimal places indicated by the second number. Return Value DECIMAL ......
    Is trunc and round the same with negative arguments? SQL> select round(123456.76,-4) from dual; ROUND(123456.76,-4) ----- 120000 SQL> ... No, behavior depends on the value of the significant digit (the 3rd digit (the 3) is the significant one in your case...
    The ROUND Function : ROUND « Date Timestamp Functions « Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial ... ROUND is very similar to the TRUNC function. It uses the same format mask as TRUNC. ROUND rounds up or down based upon the format mask....