search:radiation pain相關網頁資料

    Oh, your poor Mom! I had stage 1b2 cervical cancer a year ago. I had a radical hysterectomy, radiation & two rounds of cisplatin. I am in constant pain in my legs, hips and a bit of pain in my arms. I am 41 years old. I keep on working, but it is debilita...
    For throat pain following radiation, there is what we've been told was "Magic Mouth Wash." My husband has 2 formulas: equal amounts of lidocaine, nystatin, and benadryl...or equal amouhts of lidocaine, maalox, and tylenol. He can use a teaspoons every hou...
    Hello, Has anyone experienced abdominal pain weeks after completing chemo and/or radiation? Dad had 6 cycles of Carbo./Taxol and radiation then a break, then 2 cycles of "full strength" Carbo./Taxol with no radiation. Last radiation session was in March. ...
    Radiation therapy is the use of X-rays to destroy cancer cells and shrink tumors. Radiation damages the genetic material of cells in the area being treated, leaving the cells unable to continue to grow. Although radiation damages normal cells as well as c...
    Hello, I too had a lumpectomy, followed by chemo and radiation. A few months later I started having pain in my lower rib under my breast. After complaining for months to my doctors (radiation oncologist, medical oncologist and surgeon), they sent me for a...
    Hi. The bone pains you are experiencing may be secondary to the medicine you are taking (Arimidex), or it may be a post surgery or post radiation effect. Patients do complain of increased cutaneous sensitivity to pain on the site where surgery or radiatio...
    I too have had painful joint/bone pain after radiation and now during chemotherapy. I'm on different chemo than you are but the symptoms sound the same. I was overly frustrated with my doctors because they couldn't pin point chemo (or anything else) as th...