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Smartphone abuse is not only rude, it's dangerous. This is decidedly addictive behavior. And like all addictions, the addict is not the only victim. Smartphones create a terribly discourteous, antisocial, particularly uncivil environment in public spaces....
Has our attachment to our mobile devices gotten out of hand? Critics like Harvard Professor Leslie Perlow, author of "Sleeping with Your Smartphone: How to Break the 24/7 Habit and Change the Way You Work" (Harvard Business Review Press, 2012), would say ...
Are you an email-obssesed zombie-person who reflexively checks his or her smartphone every 10 minutes, not because you felt a vibration or because you are getting a phone call, but rather because you can't help yourself, because checking your smartphone i...
If you are one of the thousands of Washington Post readers accessing this page on your smartphone, please chill for a minute. Look around. Observe the commuters or bored line-waiters or distracted dining companions around you. Chances are, says Babycakes ...
I sit at my computer, Internet turned off so I can get some work done. And then I reach for my smartphone to check my e-mail. My husband grabs his phone first thing in the morning, reading a mobile newspaper, and last thing at night, playing chess. We use...
Funniest Banned Commercials 2015 - Duration: 4:10. by 3Dcookie 7,159,562 views 4:10 Play next Play now Windows 10: The Next Chapter - Microsoft Live Event - Duration: 3:04:46. by CNET 183,980 views 3:04:46 Play next Play now Smartphone ......
Are you addicted to your smartphone? Is your blackberry controlling your life? Use these simple tips to help regain control of your life. ... How to Diagnose and Cure Your Smartphone Addiction Simple Techniques for Controlling Your Email Inbox Are you a ....
Are you addicted to your smartphone? What are the signs of a smartphone addiction? These are the dangers of smartphone addiction and how to fight back. ... The Consequences Of Smartphone Addiction Smartphone addiction, particularly among children, is ......