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        The latest news, images and videos from the mission, exploring Saturn and its moons since 2004. ... Loading ... Cassini Images Hall of Fame Both timely and timeless, the images returned from the Cassini spacecraft often allow us to pause and to wonder.
        Here on the Gallery page you can find the very latest images, videos and products from the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn, including the spectacular launch, spacecraft assembly and the exciting trip to Saturn.
    Outreach Manager: Alice Wessen Editor: Kirk Munsell Science Writer: Enrico Piazza Webmaster: Allan Yu JPL Clearance: CL02-2452...
    Prev Next Cassini What would the world be like if the land masses were spread out the same way as now - only rotated by an angle of 90 degrees? —Socke It would profoundly alter our biosphere in general and public radio in particular. Socke asks what would...
    This is the perfect opportunity for a Carl Sagan quote: "Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." The footage in this little film was captured by the hardworking men and women at NASA and The European Space Agency with the Cassini Imaging ...
    France 1750 The Carte de France was published by four generations of the cassini family from 1750 to 1815. It consists of 182 sheets at the same scale, allowing the sheets to be joined together to form a physical map of about 39 feet high by 38 feet wide....
    ESA PR 03-2005. Today, after its seven-year journey through the Solar System on board the Cassini spacecraft, ESA’s Huygens probe has successfully descended through the atmosphere of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, and safely landed on its surface....
    ajouter aux favoris La famille Cassini La cartographie Légende des cartes Liens sur l'internet Plan du site Droits Sud Est Cliquez sur la zone que vous désirez agrandir. Page créée le 27/10/2002 Auteur : Jean HENRI...
    Cassini-Huygens es un proyecto conjunto de la NASA, la ESA y la ASI. Se trata de una misión espacial no tripulada cuyo objetivo es estudiar el planeta Saturno y sus satélites naturales, comúnmente llamados lunas. La nave espacial consta de dos elementos p...
    Les précurseurs : Pioneer 11 et les sondes Voyager [modifier | modifier le code] Les premiers projets américains d'exploration de Saturne et de son système (anneaux et lunes) par une sonde spatiale qui se placerait en orbite autour de la planète géante re...