search:taiwan japan fishery相關網頁資料

10 Apr 2013 ... BEIJING (Reuters) - China expressed serious concern on Wednesday after Japan and Taiwan signed a fishing agreement for the seas around ......
TAIPEI -- A second meeting of a Taiwan-Japan fishery commission was held yesterday in Tokyo to address issues related to the regulation of fishing operations in their overlapping waters in the East China Sea, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. The meet...
TAIPEI -- A second round of fishery talks between Taiwan and Japan opened in Suao, Yilan County Thursday to discuss issues related to dispute avoidance in the longline fishing grounds. Representatives of Taiwan's fishermen's associations, as well as offic...
In an ordinary week, an agreement about the Diaoyu / Senkaku Islands, a disputed area that has triggered a series of standoffs between China and Japan in recent years, would have been big news. Such an agreement was signed this week, albeit not between Ch...
Voice of the People, Bridge to the World - President marks Taiwan-Japan fishery pact anniversary with video ... Taipei, April 12 (CNA) President Ma Ying-jeou on Saturday posted a one-minute video on his Facebook page to mark the first anniversary of a lan...
Taipei, Dec. 25 (CNA) A second meeting of a Taiwan-Japan fishery commission is to be held in Tokyo to address issues related to the regulation of fishing operations in their overlapping waters in the East China Sea, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said We...
Taipei, Jan. 24 (CNA) Taiwan and Japan struck a compromise deal in fishery talks in Taipei Friday, allowing fishing boats from both sides to operate in overlapping waters in the East China Sea, said James Sha, director-general of Taiwan's Fishery Agency....