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    Telepathy Telepathy is the direct transfer of thoughts, emotions, or feelings from one person to another person using only the power of the mind. All of us have latent telepathic abilities. This is something which most of us cannot use consciously, howeve...
    telepathy direct transference of thought from one person (sender or agent) to another (receiver or percipient) without using the usual sensory channels of communication, hence a form of extrasensory perception (ESP). While the existence of telepathy has n...
    Sources: 29, Gertrude Schmeidler, The City College, New York, 61. (1) Synchronicity: A term coined by Jung to designate the meaningful coincidence or equivalence (a) of a psychic and a physical state or event which have no causal relationship to one anoth...
    Memorable Quotes "It's like -- it was like someone was talking to me. Except it was in my head." "Did the voices tell you anything else? They want you to do things? Rob a store, kill the President?" "No. It's more like I can... Hear people's thoughts." - ...
    So they make a documentary full of experiments on telepathy, at the end of every one say that no real conclusions can be drawn because the experiments are flawed and not scientific. Wtf? Why not conduct proper experiments in the first place? Seriously, it...
    Telepathy is the ability to send and receive thoughts from one mind to another and is a natural ability of the human mind. ... Telepathic Sensitivity - A Normal Unfoldment It is this aura which is in reality the reservoir of thought substance upon which h...
    Telepathy Telepathy, from the Greek tele, "distant", and patheia, "feeling", is the claimed innate ability of humans and other creatures to communicate information from one mind to another, without the use of extra tools such as speech or body language. C...
    Telepathy is a software framework which can be used to make software for interpersonal communications such as instant messaging, Voice over IP or videoconferencing. Telepathy enables the creation of communications applications using components via the D-B...